
Can All Religions "Coexist"?

This devotion explains why all Religions Can NOT lead to God

In 1 Peter 3:15, Christians are commanded to "always be prepared" to explain our faith, so let's consider this question:

Why can't all religions be true?

This devotion explains why all Religions Can NOT lead to God.
The word "COEXIST," using representations from the major world religions, has become a popular slogan.

If it means different religious groups can live together without fighting, it's possible. If it means different religious groups can worship together, it's impossible. 


Because the major tenets of every faith are in conflict with every other. 

2+2 cannot equal 4, 5, or 6. 

Truth is truth. It's not negotiable. 

Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, and the plethora of Hindu gods have different explanations for mankind's greatest need. And they explain man's salvation in ways that cannot be combined or unified.

To say every religion is right is the same as saying every religion is wrong.

If Christianity were one of many ways to God, Jesus would be a liar because He claimed to be the only way of salvation

But Jesus is not a liar.

See also: Acts 17:22-31; 1 Corinthians 8:4-6; 1 Corinthians 10:19-20. 


To read other devotions about answering faith questions, see the Be Prepared Series.

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This devotion explains why all Religions Can NOT lead to God

Bible Love Notes


  1. I appreciate and like this series on being prepared.
    Very informative!

    1. I'm glad it's helpful, Christine. I frequently encounter these questions, and I'm trying to learn how to best answer them. God bless you.

  2. You need to read more. The path to heaven is thru Jesus.
