
3 Examples of Foolish Faith-Based Reasoning

This 1-minute devotion describes 3 foolish claims written by an atheist evangelist...yes, atheists evangelize!

I got this comment on Pinterest regarding my post, Misery Loves Company:

"We [atheists] evangelize so that people think about the here and now. So that people care about what happens to the world instead of only caring about how they get into heaven... We want people to want to KNOW, not just believe..."  

Did you notice the contradictions?

1. She doesn't "know" there is no God. 
No one can prove that God does or doesn't exist. Christians have a faith-based belief based on significant natural and supernatural evidence (Hebrews 11:6; Romans 1:20).  Atheists have a faith-based belief based on human reasoning. 

2. She doesn't "know" her history. 
Throughout modern history, Christian organizations have always led the way in humanitarian works in the "here and now." Atheism has led the way in things like communist oppression.

3. She doesn't "know" that her beliefs are abysmal. 
Christians evangelize because we believe we are helping people find help from God for this earthly life as well as eternal life in Christ. All the atheist has to offer is human help in this life and no hope beyond the grave. Not exactly an encouraging message. 

It's ironic that someone so ignorant of truth would put KNOW in all caps. Let's pray this woman and others like her may come to KNOW that only a fool believes “There is no God” (Psalm 14:1).

This 1-minute devotion describes 3 foolish claims written by an atheist evangelist...yes, atheists evangelize!
"Evangelistic atheists" have given me material for a number of my devotions: 

1 comment:

  1. I recall a street preacher who was engaging with an athiest. The preacher challenges him saying I can bring ten people here at 9am tomorrow whose lives have been wonderfully changed by Jesus. How many will you bring whose lives have been changed through atheism.
