
Letting Go

We sometimes hold on to worldly values, doubts, and fears instead of fully trusting God. This devotion offers an interesting analogy.

A man fell off a cliff and grabbed a branch on the way down. 

Dangling by one hand, he yelled, "Is anyone up there who can help me?" 

A voice thundered from above, "This is God. Let go of the branch." 

The man thought a moment and yelled again:

"Is there anyone else up there who can help me?" 

I heard this joke many years ago, and there are times I've felt exactly like that man dangling from a branch, afraid to trust God completely.

I wonder if Noah, Abraham or Moses ever felt that way?

I think they did, but they "let go of the branch."

Coming to Christ might seem "scary" because it requires letting go of worldly values, fears, doubts, popular false teachings, and unbelief.

But our faith isn't actually like jumping off a cliff. We have many things to assure us that our trust in God is valid, wise, and proven.
When we let go of the unstable branches of human wisdom, we realize that our God can keep us from falling because "all glory, majesty, power, and authority" are His (Proverbs 3:5-6Jude 1:24-25).


I encourage you to read Why We Trust a Bible "Written by Men" and

I also encourage you to check out the Wisdom for Life Devotional. It contains 100 one-minute devotions to challenge, encourage, instruct, and inspire your love for God's Word. Read the story behind Wisdom for Life HERE. And find out about the two free Bible studies with purchase HERE.

We sometimes hold on to worldly values, doubts, and fears instead of fully trusting God. This devotion offers an interesting analogy.



  1. Thank you Gail for all your faithful reminders. My life has become more and more busy than before. But I never miss you read your BLN, they are food for my soul, and I wanted you to know that. I follow you every day even when I don't have a second to write a note. Today I have the flu and I am blessed to be able to read this and catch up with other posts of yours. Praying God keeps using you in other people's lives the way He has in mine.

    1. Thank you, Marta, for your encouragement. You are always so kind. I'm praying that you are soon healed of the flu and feeling better. Love, Gail

  2. Faith faith that Yeshua is. All the rest of the stuff written is really learning God's ways not our ways or His thoughts are not our thoughts.

    Some things are so clear, it's given. By His stripes we are healed. Now. So we do exactly what Jesus did as seen in the scriptures in the Gospels. Casting out all ailments physically, emotionally and mentally because one of these come from God for any reason. IT'S all from the demonic realm.

    Money, crazy relationships-his scriptures tell us to not be in bad company or unevenly yoked.

    Money is a biggie and there's to much prosperity gurus teaching stupid. Crazy things happen to all of us. Scripture says He isn't a respective of persons. Stuff will fall on the just and the unjust.

    He's not a religion but a personal relationship not a religion.

  3. FAITH is knowing God has a plan for you and that plan is far greater then any plan you have. Faith is trusting God even when you feel all hope is lost. Faith is letting go and letting God. TRUST HIM he knows what we dont HE sees what we can't and moves when we won't

  4. I wish my faith were stronger. I've had such a rough life (beginning as a little girl) but I've also been blessed by God beyond anything imaginable. The failing faith issue stems, I believe, from growing up in an environment going to a church where they preached hell fire and damnation and spoke very little, if ever, about what a good & loving God we have to look forward to being with one day. It was not a healthy indoctrination to the Lord and His and promises.

  5. Dear Unknown, I encourage you to move beyond those bad church experiences and fully follow the Lord.

  6. Thanks for the devotioanl Gail! You became one of my favorites after reading your commentary on "Jesus Calling." You waged a courageous battle against all odds on the message thread. Shared!
