
Strength, Not Weakness

People often think that "being right" gives them strength, but it doesn't. This 1-minute devotion explains.

In a recent study, 81% of those surveyed said their bosses don't apologize for mistakes. 

Bosses surveyed said they fear looking weak or incompetent if they admit failure, but the study showed just the opposite. When a boss doesn't own up to something he's done, his employees quit trusting and respecting him.

The same is true when employees fail to admit their mistakes to their boss.

It's part of our fallen human nature to protect our ego.  But imagine how short most arguments would be if we dropped our attempts at self-defense and simply apologized.
1 John 1:8  says, "If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves..."

When we confess our sins, we don't show weakness of character, we show strength. It's good for our hearts and our reputations. 
It keeps us in right relationship with others and in right relationship with Christ. And it makes it easier for others to forgive us.
And the best news of all is this:

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9


I encourage you to check out the Wisdom for Life Devotional. It contains 100 one-minute devotions to challenge, encourage, instruct, and inspire your love for God's Word. Read the story behind Wisdom for Life HERE. And find out about the two free Bible studies with purchase HERE.

People often think that "being right" gives them strength, but it doesn't. This 1-minute devotion explains.

People often think that "being right" gives them strength, but it doesn't. This 1-minute devotion explains.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Hmmm . . . you have such a touchy point that we'd shave off so much time in disagreements with our spouse if we drop the self-defense arguments. Thanks Gail so much.

  2. Hi Gail! You are very right to say that we should face the fact that we are flawed. Trying to look like God is not attractive. We should look like the flawed people we are. Then everyone can relate! But of course, I can say that and still not stand in humility. It takes a lot of fortitude to reveal our mistakes but it makes us human. And that's what we are.
    Have a good weekend!

  3. Hi Gail! Soooo true! It takes a lot of strength to admit when we are wrong or sin. A humble spirit is able to say "I'm sorry". So much time is wasted by trying to cover up our mistakes, but when we are open and honest, healing comes.

    Blessings, Joan

  4. Have you been reading my journal? :) Thank you, Gail, as always, for your practical and Biblical insights, encouragement and truth!

  5. Let me start by saying that BLN is without a doubt one of the best, if not the best and most reliable sources of truth and insight available today. In this dedication you start with a "mistake" and turn it into a sin. Very few mistakes are sins. All sins are mistakes. To admit to both is good. Please keep up the good work.
