
What's Written on Your Forehead?

Do you know what Scripture says about your forehead? This 1-minute devotion will give you reason to rejoice and reason to take your responsibility seriously.

In 2013 over 160,000 people signed a petition demanding a new name for Jacksonville, Florida's Forrest High School because it was named after Nathan Forrest, a Confederate General who was the first leader of the racist Ku Klux Klan.

Similarly, former communist countries have restored the names of streets and buildings that the Russian communists changed during their oppressive occupation. 

We want to be associated with names that command honor and respect, not oppression or bigotry. And Christians are associated with the best Name of all.

When we accept Christ, we take the name "Christian" which means "Christ-follower." 

Revelation 22:1-5 says those of us who serve Jesus will one day have His Name written on our foreheads. I think that's awesome! We bear the Name above all names (Philippians 2:9), and we represent that Name wherever we are. It is a wonderful honor and a serious responsibility.

Today and every day, may we remember: "whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17 

Note: It's important that we understand that Scripture reveals Jesus as God, part of the Trinity. This post can help you explain it to others: There's No Doubt About Christ's Deity.

Do you know what Scripture says about your forehead? This 1-minute devotion will give you reason to rejoice and reason to take your responsibility seriously.

Do you know what Scripture says about your forehead? This 1-minute devotion will give you reason to rejoice and reason to take your responsibility seriously.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Great reminder! Excellent example :)

  2. This post reminds me of a time when my husband and I were chaperons for a youth event. We were outside a restaurant prior to going inside and the Youth Pastor spoke to us saying, "Remember, you may be the only Jesus these people ever see." It was a great reminder for the kids (and us) to know that we represent Him wherever we go!!
    Blessings, Joan
