
I Fell In Love With Another Man

How falling in love with another Man saved my marriage - from the perspective of a woman married over 50 years to the same man.

A couple of days ago, my husband and I celebrated our 51st wedding anniversary, and in those 51 years of marriage, we've moved over 20 times. 

It's helped us understand that Christians are aliens and strangers here on earth (Hebrews 11:13; 1 Peter 2:11). 😊 And it's made us keenly aware of the unique way God united our purposes as a couple.

Who but God could have worked with two people from such different backgrounds giving us joy in our nomadic lifestyle together? Who but God could have kept us on track in our relationship?

Even if you've never been married, you can embrace the relationships God has placed in your life, especially family relationships. Just like marriage, every good relationship requires forgiveness, consideration, and love in order to grow and improve.

Sometimes we forfeit God's purpose for our lives by giving up on our marriage, our parents, or our siblings. We fail to realize that the most difficult relationships often yield the greatest Christian maturity in our lives if we stick with them instead of taking the easy way out.

On September 5, 1970, a selfish unsaved 19-year-old woman married a selfish unsaved 20-year-old man. There really was no hope that our marriage would survive. But 4 years later I met and fell in love with another Man named Jesus, and a few years later my husband did the same. Jesus revolutionized our thinking and our marriage, and He can do the same with your difficult marriage or family relationships.

Jesus has taught us (and is still teaching us) how to genuinely love each other. We not only owe Him our lives and eternity, we owe Him our marriage. 


If you want to read some of my marriage posts, check out the collection of Marriage Devotions. If you are struggling with a difficult relationship with your parents, check out the collection of 1-minute devotions about Honoring Parents. If you'd like to improve your relationship with your siblings or your friends, check out the collection of 1-minute devotions about Relationships. If you'd like to be aware of a teaching which has encouraged many people to take the easy way out and selfishly forfeit God's purposes, check out the collection of reviews of the Boundaries book and articles, especially Speak Your Mind even if You Lose Your Marriage.

When this was first published (9-2013), I noted that my husband and I were jet-lagged, having just flown to Budapest where we previously lived and did Christian ministry. Many of the comments below the devotion address this.

How falling in love with another Man saved my marriage - from the perspective of a woman married over 50 years to the same man.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Wow, Happy Anniversary! How fun! I hope you have a lovely vacation, my friend! :)

  2. And I thought WE moved a lot! LOL! We have moved 12 times--all within PA!
    I loved this devotional Gail. I say a huge "Amen" to "The only reason we two selfish 60-somethings have stayed together is because we both love Jesus. The only reason." That is my husband and me also. Have a wonderful trip!

  3. That is our "secret" too!!! Wonderful post full of truth!

  4. Hi Gail! I am just blown away that you would open the link-up from Europe! Technology is just crazy, isn't it?

    You are so generous to keep up with all of us here. Be sure to enjoy every minute, and let us know how you are doing :)

  5. I can't wait to read your posts over the next weeks!! I always like the pictures and extras you include from your time in Europe. What a blessing. I will be praying for you (and have been as you travel).

    Happy Anniversary!!

    Thanks for hosting...amazing isn't it?!

  6. Happy anniversary, Puraths! I'm excited to see your pictures and read about your trip! :)

  7. Gail -
    That is why us 50-somethings are still together nearly 35 years later. I loved your post!
    Happy Anniversary!

  8. Hi Gail, such an encouraging post. Lately lots of my friends are going through divorces and hardships in marriage. Sometimes, mine has felt challenging too. But its because of the Lord that we push through, and overcome and with God in the marriage, there is ALWAYS hope and ALWAYS improvement. Thank you for this reminder
    God bless

  9. That story sounded like a parallel of my Gayle and my marriage. Only we've been married 45 years. We both excepted Jesus as our savior at the same moment after 7years of marriage. The three of us are doing great for the reasons you listed.
    Keep these daily devotionals coming. They are quite inspiring.

    1. How fun to hear we share some similar aspects to our stories!
      God bless you, Rick and Gayle.
