
When God Changes Our Plans

This 1-minute devotion encourages us to embrace God's "Divine Detours."

We never know when God has detours planned for our lives, but He always does what's best for us. 

Almost twenty years ago, my husband and I felt unsettled, so we decided to take a free military "hop" to England so we could pray for three months, seeking God's plans for our future.(1) 

Or so we thought... 

But God had a divine detour planned

I won't go into all the details, but we ended up in Budapest, Hungary—a place we'd never been. And our three months of prayer turned into five years of ministry in Hungary. 

God gave us a love for the people and the country, and we are so blessed that He sent us there.

Accepting detours helps us understand the practical wisdom from these two proverbs:

"We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps." Proverbs 16:9

"Commit your actions to the LORD, and your plans will succeed."  Proverbs 16:3 

In every area of life, we Christians should prayerfully make our plans, committing them to the Lord, always ready to embrace His divine detours.

It's not a beatitude, but it expresses this biblical principle: "Blessed are the flexible: for they shall not be broken."
I originally entitled this devotion "Sziasztok." It's the way Hungarians say hello or good-bye to close friends. It's a friendly, flexible greeting. 

(1) A military "hop" is a  flight that active and retired military can take on a space-available basis. My husband is retired from the Army. 

This post was originally posted in September 2013 and updated in 2021.

This 1-minute devotion encourages us to embrace God's "Divine Detours."

Bible Love Notes


  1. God bless!
    Enjoy...I', looking fwd to seeing pics! God has good things planned for you!

  2. I can't wait to see what God has planned!

  3. Believing with you for all the adventures God has planned for you! Praying for good health, safe travels, lots of laughter, and opportunities to bless and be blessed! Looking forward to reading the stories that will come from this special season. AND: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, GAIL & MICHAEL! :) Love you and so grateful for our friendship!

    1. Thanks, Kim. I'm praying for you as you share about your wonderful ministry to the formerly forgotten elderly in Romania. Elder Orphan Care is such a great mission and you are a great advocate!
      And Thanks for the anniversary wishes. I think it's appropriate that we are flying on our anniversary considering how nomadic our married life has been. : )

  4. Blessings and travel mercies go with you as you begin this adventure. Thank you for deciding to keep writing during this time. Praying that God will use you in extraordinary ways during these next months.

  5. Many blessings as you serve Jesus on your travels. Enjoy!

  6. Have a safe trip! What an adventure this is...can't wait to hear about it as you go.

    Peace, Ceil

  7. I'm praying for traveling safety as you go....and I hope we can meet up while you're in Zagreb!

  8. I am praying for the both of you in the weeks to come.

  9. Sziasztok to you and Michael!! Love you and will be praying God shows you His will and His ways. And that He will use you while in Hungary as much as He uses you through BLN. I will also pray for protection and provision.

