
Rock Your World!

Her letter was so honest and refreshing and rare. She was doing something God calls us to do, but few Christians are doing it. Are you? #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Her email rocked me.

It was so genuine and so rare.

She was doing something God calls us to do. But we rarely do it.

She emailed because God had convicted her of several sins, which she stated specifically, clearly, and without excuse.(1) 

She asked my forgiveness and invited me to let her know if there was anything else she needed to address.

Yes, her email rocked me…blessed me, convicted me, and witnessed to me.

Repentance demands a type of humility foreign to our fallen human nature. Our default mode is to excuse, justify, blame-shift, and overlook sin. 

But genuine repentance truly rocks our world. It brings healing to human relationships (James 5:16). And it gives us the refreshment of God's forgiveness (Proverbs 28:13), bringing us back into right relationship with Him (James 4:8; Psalm 66:17-19; Revelation 3:19).

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9

Dear Lord, help us rock our world!
(1) See How to Say "I'm Sorry" and Contrite or Making Excuses and Self-Defense.  I also encourage you to check out the Bible Love Notes archive of 1-minute devotions on Repentance. It will help you look at your sins biblically and deal with them in ways that bring healing, growth, and reconciliation.

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Her letter was so honest and refreshing and rare. She was doing something God calls us to do, but few Christians are doing it. Are you? #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Bible Love Notes


  1. This was such a blessing. Convicting because we ought to ask forgiveness more often instead of moving on with our life.

  2. Thank you for your great blog. I know that when God showed my sins to me, I went to pay my debts. Not so much money, but it felt like steal when I don't give it back to my friends. I was 18 :-) What a courageous mail you received. God is really working in our lives.

  3. Oh that cringing word that too often fails to get preached, but is the key to all our growth, hope, power, & healing...."Repentance".

  4. very impressive site for christian growth .
