
Gift of Time and Friendship

This 1-minute devotion shares the importance of Christian friendships. May it challenge and encourage you. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

When you spend time with Christian friends, do you realize it's an important aspect of your spiritual growth?

Most of us underestimate our need for Christian friendships, and we are more likely to have acquaintances than genuine friends.

Bible study and prayer are critically important for our spiritual well-being, but Christian fellowship is also important.

Healthy Christian friendships involve regularly spending time together, showing genuine interest in each other, praying for each other, and speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4). 

Romans 12:10 says, "Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves."   

We tend to be more devoted to TV, leisure, hobbies, exercise, and the internet than to friendships. We don't realize that "friend mentors" are essential for our Christian growth. 

Are there friends you've neglected? Why not dedicate some time to developing those friendships this week. You need them and they need you.
I encourage you to read Philippians 2. It not only stresses the beauty of genuinely biblical relationships, it also illustrates Paul's attitude toward his Christian friends.

You also might enjoy The Blessings of a Peer Mentor and Biblical Friendships.
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This 1-minute devotion shares the importance of Christian friendships. May it challenge and encourage you.


This 1-minute devotion shares the importance of Christian friendships. May it challenge and encourage you. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Bible Love Notes


  1. Gail, I just love your Bible notes for in this verse includes both phileo and is philostorgos...which means to be very loving to each are so right, as beievers, we need each other. If you do not mind, I think I will post on this in the near future... Blessings!

  2. I'm always getting ideas for my posts from other bloggers, authors and speakers. I look forward to reading your post on this subject, Patty.
    Thanks for your encouragement.

  3. Gail, I just wish that we could "waste time" together a bit more. I think a good friend in the faith can be a "Barnabus" in your life, and also a "Paul". Once you find one, you want to spend more time with them - makes you richer.

  4. Hi Gail, Just wanted to tell you this is very good and we need to remind one another often.
    Without these close frienships we become to self focused. I love reading your inspiring words.
    Thanks Roxy

  5. This is a beautiful post. I miss friends I've had in the past...long distance friendships through emails and the phone is never as much of a blessing as visiting in person. What a blessing when God allows friends in our life.

  6. Hi Gail,

    How fabulous is this! Time with friends is never wasted. Like you I love a good sermon, but friends have spoken more deeply into my life than any sermon could. More-so we were created for relationship because He is all about relationship. We cannot DO if we are not CONNECTED.

    Thanks for this very thought provoking post! It's a blessing!

  7. This sounds good but what if your friends are so busy they never have time for you?

    1. Good question, Sharon. Sometimes we are the ones trying and others are "too busy." When this happens we all lose. During those times we need to find our "friendship" needs met in the Lord alone.
