
Bigotry Against Christians

It's becoming popular to make negative statements about Christians, and this 1-minute devotion explains 2 misunderstandings that often cause this.

Have you ever heard someone say they like Jesus but they don't like Christians?

This kind of criticism is becoming increasingly popular, and it's based on a false view of Jesus or a bigoted view of Christians.

1. A false view of Jesus.(1)  

Non-Christians who claim to like Jesus usually think He went around making people feel good. In truth, Jesus pointed out people's sins and made it clear that following Him was the only way to avoid Hell (John 14:6). (Jesus rebuked his unbelieving brothers: John 7:7)

Most people hated Jesus, and He promised that His true followers would also be hated (John 15:18).

Sadly, a growing number of Christians are ashamed to share Christ's message (Luke 9:26).

They've failed to read 2 Timothy 3:12 which says "everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted." 

2. A bigoted view of Christians.(2)  

There are bad examples in every religion, profession, nationality, and race. People who don't like Christians typically judge all of us by the bad examples. That's bigotry.

I'm glad to be a Christian. Jesus didn't promise me popularity. He promised me eternal life.
(1) See What Jesus Said About Hell, Hell is not a Garbage Dump, Was Jesus Likable?, and Is Jesus the Only Way?  

(2) Have bad things been done in the name of Jesus? Yes. But the good done far outweighs the bad. Christianity has provided more humanitarian aid than any other religion in the world. See Romans 12:13: Helping The Needy. But Satan has made sure that Christians are always viewed with unfair bias. See Half-Truths About the Crusades. Blanket statements against Christians are first and foremost a rejection of Christ. You can't like Jesus and hate His people.


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It's becoming popular to make negative statements about Christians, and this 1-minute devotion explains 2 misunderstandings that often cause this.

It's becoming popular to make negative statements about Christians, and this 1-minute devotion explains 2 misunderstandings that often cause this.

It's becoming popular to make negative statements about Christians, and this 1-minute devotion explains 2 misunderstandings that often cause this.



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