
A Characteristic of Maturing Christians: Working for the Lord

This devotion explains one of the characteristics of Christians who are interested in maturing in the Lord: Doing All Things for the Lord.

The 5 Habits of Serious Christians talks about 5 characteristics of Christians who are serious about their faith. The first 
habit is described in Colossians 3:23-24:

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. 

The Lord is with us at all times. He observes our behavior when no one else is looking. He knows us completely, our thoughts as well as our actions.

When we do things with this in mind, we are more careful to avoid sinful or foolish situations.

In addition, our daily tasks take on new meaning. Whatever we do, whether top-level executive jobs or mowing the lawn, we do as if the Lord is our boss. That means we do it to the best of our ability because we're serving Him first and foremost.

Carry that thought with you today and every day. 


See Cleaning Bathrooms for a story that helped me put an undesirable task in perspective. 

If you own Wisdom for Life, I encourage you to read or reread Day 56. Even if you aren't a woman, it has application for you.

If you haven't purchased Wisdom for Life, check out the sales on LifewayAmazon, and CBD.


This devotion explains one of the characteristics of Christians who are interested in maturing in the Lord: Doing All Things for the Lord.

Bible Love Notes

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