
Short Bible Quiz - Do You Know These Interesting Facts!

A Fun Quiz: Test Your Knowledge and see how many you can answer correctly and learn more about Wisdom for Life!

Here's a fun Bible Quiz. See how many of the answers you know:

1. Which book of the Bible uses the word praise ten times more often than any other book? 

2. Which book has the longest chapter in the Bible?

3. Which book has the shortest chapter in the Bible?

4. Which book was Jesus quoting when He cried out on the cross, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46)

5. Which 3 Old Testament books are most often quoted in the New Testament?

Before scrolling down to see the answers, I'd like to offer 5 reasons to buy my devotional book Wisdom for Life:

A hardcover devotional priced lower than most paperbacks.

1. It's an attractive hardcover devotional priced lower than most paperbacks, published by B&H Lifeway publishers.

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2. The 100 devotions take one minute to read. 

But when you have more time, there's a “For Further Thought” section after each devotion. 

3. Whether you use Wisdom for Life for family devotions or personal or small group study, it will give you a deeper love for the books of Psalms and Proverbs.

I loved Psalms and Proverbs when I wrote this book but the research made me love them even more!

4. Just like Psalms and Proverbs, the devotions in Wisdom for life offer encouragement, instruction, inspiration, and challenges to help your faith grow deeper.  

Wisdom for Life gives you an appreciation for the multifaceted wisdom in Psalms and Proverbs.

5. I never have and never will charge for subscriptions to Bible Love Notes devotions, and you’ll never find pop-up adds when you visit Bible Love Notes. The only thing I ever advertise is my book.

The better it sells the more opportunities I’ll have to write other books and the more people I can encourage by God’s Word.

Now for the Answers:

A Fun Quiz: Test Your Knowledge and see how many you can answer correctly and learn more about Wisdom for Life!
1. In the NIV, Psalms uses the word praise 182 times and the book that comes second is 2 Chronicles which only uses it 17 times! KJV: 150 uses in Psalms, NLT: 186 uses in Psalms.

2. Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible having 176 verses and approximately 2450 words, depending on the translation. In the New Testament, Matthew 26 has the most words and Luke 1 has the most verses. 

3. Psalm 117 is the shortest chapter in the Bible, containing 2 verses and approximately 30 words, depending on the translation.

4. In Matthew 27:46Jesus is quoting a prophecy of His death in Psalm 22:1

5. Deuteronomy, Isaiah, and Psalms are the most quoted but different sources put these three in different order. Some claim Deuteronomy is the most quoted, others claim Psalms is.

Psalms is a wonderfully important and interesting book in God's Word!!

A Fun Quiz: Test Your Knowledge and see how many you can answer correctly and learn more about Wisdom for Life!

A Fun Quiz: Test Your Knowledge and see how many you can answer correctly and learn more about Wisdom for Life!

A Fun Quiz: Test Your Knowledge and see how many you can answer correctly and learn more about Wisdom for Life!

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