
Insights From My Laundry Room: Colossians 3:12

God uses everyday situations to give us insights into His purposes for our lives. This devotion offers a wonderful, practical example.

Today I'm sharing a devotion from my friend Amy Quinlan. I think you'll enjoy her laundry room analogy. ~ Gail

My small laundry room has been a haven of prayer to me for several years. I regularly pray while I sit on the floor in front of my dryer folding laundry. 

Above the shelf where I stack clean clothes for our family of six, there’s a framed image of a whimsical clothesline with articles of clothing blowing in the wind with this text: “Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience” (Colossians 3:12). 

This has been a gentle reminder to me over the years. 

The laundry room is a great place to remember that I have died to my old self and “put off” the filthiness of my sinful nature. It’s also a place to remember my need to “put on” the clean clothes of holy living (Ephesians 4:22-24). 

This helps me avoid responding to my circumstances in the flesh, even though I admit I still do that at times. I must make a daily commitment to purposefully clothe myself with the pure, clean, and loving coverings of the Holy Spirit, the clothes of my “new self” in Christ.

For additional insights, see Natural, Unnatural, Supernatural.

A great hardcover devotional priced lower than most paperbacks.
If you enjoy Bible Love Notes one-minute devotions, I think you'll enjoy my devotional Wisdom for Life. It's a hard-cover book priced lower than most paperbacks.  Click the image to find out more. ~ Gail

God uses everyday situations to give us insights into His purposes for our lives. This devotion offers a wonderful, practical example.

Bible Love Notes

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