
Why Judas Opposed Mary's Extravagant Love for Christ

Sometimes an argument sounds logical, but we need to be careful not to let it stop us from showing extravagant love for Christ.

In the devotion Extravagant Love, I talked about the time Mary
 anointed Christ’s feet with costly perfume (John 12:1-8)

When this happened, Judas objected, saying, “Why wasn’t this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year’s wages.”

Scripture tells us that Judas didn't care about the poor, but he handled the money for the disciples and helped himself to it when it suited his purposes.

But you have to admit that his argument sounded logical.

When God prompts us to help a friend extravagantly, share our faith extravagantly, give time, money, or love extravagantly, it rarely sounds “logical.” And we may have people try to dissuade us, even well-meaning friends. 

But when we are sure God is calling us to do something extravagant, let's overcome our fears, doubts, and logic and take our cues from Mary, not from Judas. 

Note: Mary's extravagant gesture didn't hurt anyone. And that's an important consideration. We may deny ourselves things we'd like in order to help others, but we don't neglect the needs of our family. See Matthew 15:1-9 and 1 Timothy 5:8.


Why not check out the collection of one-minute devotions about Mary and Martha, and choose a few to read this week.

If you've purchased the Wisdom for Life devotional, I encourage you to read or re-read Day 74 which talks about people's attitudes toward money and honesty. It offers additional insights into this devotion.

Sometimes an argument sounds logical, but we need to be careful not to let it stop us from showing extravagant love for Christ.

Bible Love Notes