
Is Your Soul Troubled by Things Going on in Our World?

This devotion addresses the reasons Christians have cause to be troubled and cause to stand firm.

In a 24-hour period:

✔ I heard about the Montana judge who refused to enforce legislation protecting minors from sexually-themed presentations. He claims there's no evidence that children suffer harm from such shows, and he felt it unjustly prohibited drag queens (source). 

I listened to a Christian YouTube channel I usually respect, and they featured a confusing message about whether a Mormon can be saved. (See Note below.)  

And I heard from another family estranged by false Boundaries teachings. 

Add that to some of the other situations going on in our world, and I’m unashamed to admit that I'm grieved by the decline of mankind. 

But my grief inspires me to stand up, not sit down or hide. I want to join remnant believers in refusing to ignore, redefine, or soften biblical views regarding immoral lifestyles, cultic teachings, and Freudian lies. 

Lately, I have found myself doing something I never did before – shedding tears for our world, not symbolically, but literally. 

I’m beginning to understand how Lot “was tormented in his soul by the wickedness he saw and heard day after day” (2 Peter 2:7-8). 

I’m beginning to understand the psalmist’s tears when God’s laws were disregarded (Psalm 119:136). 

Dear Christians, let’s put on the full armor, prepare for battle, and refuse to back down from the fight ahead of us (Ephesians 6:10-18). 

If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31)


This devotion addresses the reasons Christians have cause to be troubled and cause to stand firm.
Note: In this short video, the pastor explained the heresy of Mormonism, but he also said Mormons can be believers if they have the right view of God. But anyone with the right view of God cannot remain a Mormon any more than someone with the right view of God can remain a Muslim, Buddhist, or Hindu. I think it's tragic if Mormons are lulled into believing they are saved by confusing messages such as this one. To read about this cult, see: Bible Love Notes Articles on Mormonism.

I hope the popularity of Dallas Jenkins is not influencing other Christians to soften the way they discuss Mormonism. Jenkins has insisted that Mormons worship the same Jesus as Christians. To read about my concerns: The Chosen Collection or Amazing Contradictions.

Bible Love Notes

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