
Be Prepared: What about Bible "Inconsistencies"?

Concise, Biblical answer to the question: Doesn't the Bible contain inconsistencies?

be prepared to answer this question: 

Doesn't the Bible contain inconsistencies?

This is a common accusation, but it's completely unfounded. Most people who ask this question have no examples. But a few people will bring up things that appear to be contradictions at first glance. 

I've researched some of the differences in the Gospels, and they simply prove that gospel writers were divinely inspired to share different perspectives of the same story. Differences do not equal contradictions.

If you ask four honest people to explain an event they've witnessed, one may mention everyone present and another may only mention the key people. Different witnesses will focus on different aspects of the event. These aren't inconsistencies, merely different perspectives. And God obviously felt these differences were helpful or He wouldn't have allowed them in Scripture.

After 40+ years as a Christian and student of the Bible, I know: "Every word of God is flawless" (Proverbs 30:5).

So if someone asks you about a specific "inconsistency" in Scripture, there are lots of resources to help you explain (e.g., Apologetics Press).

But before doing research, find out if their question is sincere. Ask them if they would trust Scripture if you could prove it wasn't inconsistent. 

If they say "no," don't waste your time. They are simply being argumentative, and no amount of proof will convince them.

I think you'll enjoy the one-minute devotion Unbeaten

If you own Wisdom for Life, Day 39 is a good devotion to read to reinforce the truths in this devotion.

Concise, Biblical answer to the question: Doesn't the Bible contain inconsistencies?

Bible Love Notes


  1. I have a question for which I have never heard a satisfactory answer. God asks Abraham to sacrifice Issac. God later says that human sacrifice is wrong. If God is eternally consistent, He would not act like human sacrifice was o.k. Genesis then forbid it in Exodus. It also says in the Bible that God will not tempt a person to do wrong. Though the sacrifice of Issac was not the ultimate intention, Abraham was asked by God to do that, that is, do something wrong. If God asked me to sacrifice a child, I would not think that was God talking.

    1. Hi Kellifornia,
      Abraham heard the actual voice of God telling him to do this, and from the beginning God planned to prevent the sacrifice.

      It would be an inconsistency if God allowed Abraham to actually sacrifice Isaac, but He didn't.

      I admit it's a unique situation with an old testament patriarch hearing the actual voice of God. There's no way we could apply it to any other situation of child sacrifice. But God remained consistent. He never approved of child sacrifice.
