
“I question the Christianity” of anyone who questions someone’s Christianity!! What?

Sometimes people say the most bizarre things on social media. This devotion shares an example.

In the twelve years I've been sharing Bible Love Notes on social media, I've been blessed by the large majority of kind comments. And I've gotten used to the occasional rude ones. I expect rudeness from trolls and atheists, but it's always sad when a professing Christian leaves a caustic remark.

There's nothing wrong with gracious disagreement. We can all learn from it. But when we disagree with someone, we should be quick to listen and slow to speak. We should avoid becoming angry, self-righteous, or condescending (James 1:19-20). 

“Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.” James 1:26 

That’s a powerful warning. It’s one I need to remember myself, especially when I get rude comments because I'd sometimes like to fire back in the same rude manner. 

Sometimes people say the most bazaar things on social media. This devotion shares an example.
Ironically, rude comments are almost always hypocritical. For example, in one of my devotions, I explained what Scripture teaches about characteristics of genuine faith in Christ.* A reader left a comment saying, “I question the Christianity” of anyone who questions someone's Christianity based on this criteria.

That comment would be amusing if it weren’t so obviously hypocritical. So let’s grow up in our faith, dear Christians, and let our conversation be full of grace, seasoned with the salt of the gospel, remembering that harsh words stir up anger (Colossians 4:6; Proverbs 15:1-2). 

And let's think before we speak, text, or write a comment on social media.


June Prayer: Please pray for the confused children who are being encouraged to choose another gender or "come out" as LGBTQI+. 
For more on this subject, see:
Name-Calling is for Losers (the title is meant to be hypocritical) 😊

* In this particular devotion, I didn’t name any specific false teachers, only false beliefs. That makes this reader's comment even more bizarre. But I do occasionally name specific teachers, and I explain the biblical basis for that here: Should We Judge False Teachers Publicly or Privately?

Bible Love Notes


  1. I wanted to comment on the Boundaries article referring to Cloud and Townsend. I have read many of their books. They are a lifeline for many and I have a personal testimony that their readings have saved my life. I look at all the good they do and am not in a position to determine whether or not they have sound biblical teachings. I believe they have gifts from God that help and benefit those who are in need of help. We live in a fallen world. I always put God first, but just like medical doctors who help us through sickness and disease management, psychologists do the same in regard to mental health. I will continue to use them as a valuable resource.

    1. Hi Yasmen,
      I'm sorry that you aren't able to determine if Boundaries teachings are biblical. That puts you in a dangerous position. Maybe 25% of the Scriptures Boundaries uses are used correctly, and I think I'm probably being generous to say that. The other 75% misused to justify ungodly actions.

      You may believe Boundaries saved your life, but I am naturally skeptical since Boundaries encourages people to use exaggerated language to justify the things they do. For example, instead of admitting people can be annoying, Boundaries teaches that people are "unsafe" and "toxic" and if people correct us or show disappointment in us, Boundaries says they are wielding "weapons" to manipulate us and do us harm.

      They have successfully convinced many people to do things that contradict the teachings of Scripture and live selfish lives. And that's understandable since their teachings appeal to our fallen human nature.

      If you have been sexually or physically abused, I believe that some of the Boundaries teachings could be helpful. But, for the most part, Boundaries does more harm than good in families.

      You're correct when you call Boundaries teachings psychology because psychology is based on human ideas, not on Scripture. It's not a science. It's a belief system, and, in some cases (such as Boundaries), it's a belief system that contradicts biblical belief.
