
Ex-vangelicals Conform, Rewrite, and Redefine

This devotion shares 3 things that describe Ex-vangelical teachings: They Conform, Rewrite, and Redefine. Beware!

False teachings may use Scripture, but they exalt human wisdom above Scripture. And the teachings of those who call themselves “progressive Christians” or “ex-vangelicals” perfectly fit this description.

While ex-vangelical beliefs vary, they usually agree on these points:

1. They conform.

Regarding moral and social issues, they “conform to the pattern of the world” (Romans 12:2), accepting human values and harshly judging those who accept biblical values.

2. They rewrite.

They rewrite truth in two different ways. They claim that some or all of Scripture is simply the biased teachings of men. Or they claim that millions of Bible scholars, missionaries, martyrs, and everyday Christians throughout history have misunderstood what God was really saying in Scripture.

3. They redefine.

They redefine love as acceptance of abortion and approval of LGBTQ lifestyles. And they redefine hate as believing what Scripture teaches—that such lifestyles damage people's hearts and souls.

Dear Christians, we are in a battle in our world, and the only way we will survive is to renew our minds daily in God's Word:

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2 



Ex-vangelicals also describe themselves as people who've "deconstructed" their Christian faith. See Deconstructing Faith

And please check out the Bible Love Notes collection called Beware of Ex-vangelical Teachings

You'll find posts like these in that collection:  

Amy Grant Explains the Ex-vangelical Definition of Love

Jen Hatmaker: Making Faith Culturally Acceptable 

For an overview of well-known ex-vangelical leaders, see Wilderness Wanderers.


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This devotion shares 3 things that describe Ex-vangelical teachings: They Conform, Rewrite, and Redefine. Beware!


Bible Love Notes

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