
Are You Standing on the Rock, Trusting His Word?

There are Christians standing on the Rock of Christ and His Word and then there are "rock head" Christians. This devo explains.

I’m glad that most of my readers are standing on the Rock. By that, I mean that they are standing on Christ as their foundation with God’s Word as their test of truth (
Psalms 61:2; 71:3; Matthew 7:24-27).

They’re interested in understanding Scripture and applying it accurately like the Bereans (Acts 17:11), addressing errors wherever they find them. 

If something is presented as Christian, they expect it to agree with Scripture. If they discover that some of their beliefs aren't biblically accurate, they adjust their beliefs.  

If we aren’t standing firmly on the Rock, we end up being “rock head” Christians. 

By that, I mean Christians who are unteachable. They refuse to address errors and they refuse to adjust their beliefs according to Scripture. Their minds are like a rock.

So why am I talking about rock heads? Because studies show that we human beings are inclined toward stubbornness, holding on to false teachings and refusing correction (Proverbs 29:1; Psalm 32:9; Psalm 81:11-12). 
We can't distinguish truth from error unless we are humble and willing to let God's Word adjust our beliefs.

So let’s make sure we’re standing on the Rock, not being a rock head!

One area where I have special concern is Christian entertainment. For some reason, if there are good things in a book, movie, or song, some Christians refuse to address the errors in it. For example, The Shack had some serious scriptural errors, but many Christians defended it. See Examining The Shack.

And The Chosen has some excellent aspects, but it also contains some scriptural errors that we need to acknowledge and address if we are going to maintain our discernment. I recently did a YouTube video called Let's Talk about The Chosen's I Am the Law of Moses Statement. And I've started a collection called Are You Willing to Address Scriptural Contradictions in The Chosen?

Please check out the Wisdom for Life Devotional. You can download two free Bible studies with purchase HERE.  
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There are Christians standing on the Rock of Christ and His Word and then there are "rock head" Christians. This devo explains.

Bible Love Notes

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