
My Heart's Desire for Myself and for My Readers

Author of the extremely popular 1-Minute Bible Love Notes Explains her purpose in writing Wisdom for Life.

Let me share a poem that is in my new book Wisdom for Life. I wrote it years ago, and it expresses my desires as an author and my prayer for those who read Wisdom for Life

A Woman of the Word 
By Gail Burton Purath 

The Bible wore her imprint 
It’s cover soft from use 
The pages rubbed and wrinkled 
The binding coming loose 

And even if this Christian 
And her Bible were apart 
She still would have it with her 
Hidden in her heart 

Oh, make me such a woman, Lord 
Who hungers to be fed 
Who cherishes a line from You 
More than her daily bread 

And when my days are over 
May it be my epitaph 
“She longed to spend more time with Him 
 And now is doing that.” 

Author of the extremely popular 1-Minute Bible Love Notes Explains her purpose in writing her online devotions and her devotional book Wisdom for Life.

I explained the difficulties that led me to start writing Bible Love Notes 
HERE. And in the eleven years I've been sharing my one-minute devotions online, I've never run ads or asked for donations.

But now I'm asking if you'll consider pre-ordering a copy of Wisdom for Life

💙Why do I want Wisdom for Life to do well? First and foremost, I think it will draw readers closer to the Lord. Second, if it does well, I will have opportunities to write additional devotional books, and God has laid so many things on my heart to share!

I explained how God's hand was in the publishing of Wisdom for Life HERE. And if you want to get an idea of the content, you can read the first four devotions in Wisdom for Life on Lifeway or Amazon by clicking "look inside" or "read sample."

It’s a hard-cover book in a size that is uniquely convenient for putting into a large coat pocket or purse. 

Each devotion in the book takes only one minute to read just like Bible Love Notes. But when you have time, you can “dig deeper” by answering the questions and suggestions in the “For Further Thought” section following each devotion. 

Free Bonus: In addition, I wanted to give all my readers a bonus, so I wrote two Bible studies that complement and expand the truths in the devotions. No matter where you order the book, you can download these free studies by sharing your purchase info on the book's landing page: Wisdom for Life Devotional. This page also shows you where you can order the book in the U.S.

To find out where you can order it in the UK, Canada, Australia, South Africa, and the Philippines, see It's Not for the MoneyIf you live in another country and you find a place to order it with local shipping, please let me know so I can pass the word on to other readers. Thanks!

Bible Love Notes


  1. Wonderful news that you have put all the Bible Love Notes in a book form. I first met Gail abroad in Budapest, Hungary and there I remember her starting the blog, so it's great to see the fruition!

    1. Hi! I assume this is either David or Alexis. I pray all is well with you both!!
