
Try This for Three Weeks to Overcome Worry, Fear, and Anxiety

The definition of worry: to give in to anxiety or fear; allowing our minds to dwell on difficulty or troubles.
It's a rare person who doesn't have occasions of worry, stress, or anxiety.
Aren't you glad that God understands how we are made and offers wisdom for overcoming our worries and fears? 
I encourage you to write down the passage below and recite it out loud whenever you begin to worry. Eventually, you'll memorize the words - they'll be "hidden in your heart" - and it will renew and refresh you whenever things seem hopeless or frustrating. See 5 Practical Ways to Hide God's Word in Your Heart.
Philippians 4:6-8: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things."  
Below you'll find resources to help you overcome worry. Read the 1-minute devotions carefully and prayerfully, and be sure to read all of the linked Bible passages. You might want to keep a journal as you go through these devotions, and you might want to go through them with a friend or with your small group. Why not plan to recite Philippians 4:6-8 each morning and evening for the next three weeks. And prayerfully read one of the twenty-one devotions below each of those days. I guarantee it will help!

You'll find repetition in some of these devotions, but repetition is a good thing. The 1-minute devotion Never Enough explains the importance of repetition.
Scripture says we become deceived if we don’t apply James 1:22 to our lives. I sometimes fail to apply it in the area of worry.
Something tiny and seemingly insignificant destroyed this 400-year-old tree. It's a good analogy for worry. This 1-minute devotion explains.
Scripture gives us an incredible cure for worry. This 1-minute devotion explains.
Jesus is no sedative! This 1-minute devotion explains why He is more like an "IV" injecting truth into our souls.
This 1-minute devotion offers six biblical truths that can help us get back on track when we get side-tracked by anxiety, fear, and frustration.
Often the things that cause the most fear are things without a “time limit.” This 1-minute devotion explains how we deal with those things.
When faced with problems, don’t waste your time doing what most people do.

Fault-Finding, Fear-Finding Missions

This Old Testament scouting party turned a fact-finding mission into a fear-finding mission. This 1-minute devotion shares what we can learn from their mistakes.

This 1-minute devotions offers practical advice for overcoming fearful thoughts when we wake in the middle of the night.
This devotion explains how healthy fear is needed to overcome unhealthy fear.
One of these three is worry, and the other two can lead to worry. Scripture helps us overcome all three. 
We can't overcome worry without applying the principle in Matthew 6:34. This 1-minute devotion explains.  
Whatever fears you have, real or imagined, this short devotion will encourage you with a treasury of Scriptures.
Many people fear death and dying. This 1-minute devotion offers the positive Christian perspective. 
Life can leave us with burdens of sadness, weariness, stress, disappointment, and fear. These four truths can help.

Genuine peace can only come from the Lord. This 1-minute devotion explains seven elements of biblical peace.

Psalm 46 offers some wonderful insights for overcoming fears and worries.

These three steps can help you overcome doubts, fears, and negative thought patterns

The number of negative words you can think in a minute will shock you. This 1-minute devotion offers biblical answers for overcoming negative thoughts.

This 1-minute devotion shares five ways to process problems biblically (each with Scripture reference).

Let's examine some godly people in the Bible who were depressed. It can help us deal with our own depression.

I also recommend the Series 9 Things that Can Steal Your Peace.

This post suggests a 3 week plan to help you overcome worry, anxiety, fear, and stressful feelings using Biblical principles and resources.

Bible Love Notes 

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