
Are You Duped by Satan's Propaganda Campaign?

Dear Christians, we must not let Satan's propaganda keep us from standing up for the family of God.

Dear Christian, suppose someone found out that one of your cousins was a criminal and started describing your whole family as criminals. Would you say, “Yeah, that’s my family, always breaking the law, just a bunch of criminals”? Or would you explain that your cousin doesn't represent your whole family? 

I’m asking this question because it’s become increasingly popular for Christians to talk negatively about Christians.

When I mention someone who has turned against their faith, very often a Christian will respond, "Well that's probably because so many Christians are judgmental and unloving."

If our default mode is to think the worst about the family of God, we've become part of Satan's anti-Christian propaganda campaign (John 10:10). 

And if our church is genuinely filled with bad Christians, we need to quit complaining and find another church.

We can be honest about the bad examples in our family, but they don't define us.

Unjustified bigotry against Christians is growing. Let's speak the truth of 1 Peter 2:9 and deny Satan's propaganda. 


Bible Love Notes has always addressed the sins, weaknesses, and mistakes Christians make. But those things do not define Christians. We must refuse to accept the bigoted stereotypes of Christians promoted in our world.  For more encouragement on this subject:

The Truth Makes Enemies

Choose Your Side

Contending for Our Faith

Approval, Tolerance, Hatred

Can You Stand Against the Shame Game?

4 Ways Remnant Believers Stand Firm

Thank You That I'm Not Like Other People

Don't Expect Your Message to Be Popular

Intolerance Toward Christians

Dear Christians, we must not let Satan's propaganda keep us from standing up for the family of God.

Bible Love Notes

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