
Have You Accepted Christ's Invitation for the Weary?

Are you weary? You need to remember this important invitation Christ offers for the weary and understand what it means.

Are you troubled by finances, relationships, world events, health problems, slander, mistreatment, rejection, or wayward loved ones?

Christ gives you an invitation in Matthew 11:28-30

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” 

I often forget this invitation and try to handle problems in my own strength, but it never works. That’s why Christ invites us to come to Him. 

His rest doesn’t isolate us from life’s problems. It helps us face them with Him at our side. 

“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” 

When oxen are yoked together, they walk in the same direction. When we take Christ’s yoke, we learn His ways and walk in them. He is our gentle, humble Savior, but His power and strength are infinite. 

Only He can give us genuine rest for our weary souls. His final words in that passage are important too: 

“For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” 

Biblical principles may seem difficult to follow in our anti-Christian culture, but in the end, they give us true fulfillment, joy, and relief. 

So quit trying to do it on your own, dear Christian. Accept His invitation.


Did you know that Bible Love Notes has a collection called Overcoming Adversity? It contains more than fifty 1-minute devotions to help you deal with difficulties in life, including:

Dealing with Loneliness

5 Things to Do when Someone Mistreats You

8 Steps to Overcome Bitterness

Are you weary? You need to remember this important invitation Christ offers for the weary and understand what it means.

Bible Love Notes

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