
A Bad Employee, A Fake Faith

There is a popular misunderstanding about faith in Christ and this devotion illustrates it with an interesting analogy.

Suppose you go for an interview and honestly admit you’ve been fired from every previous job because you’ve been lazy and dishonest, but you want a fresh start. 

So the company's owner hires you knowing you have zero experience, and he promises to train you to be a good worker. Would you explain this to your friends this way: “It doesn’t matter if I continue to be lazy and dishonest because the owner gave me the position”?

This is exactly how some Christians treat their salvation. It’s true that it doesn’t matter what we’ve done in the past. When we repent and ask to be a part of Christ’s forever family, He accepts us and promises to train us in righteousness (Titus 2:11-13). 

Sadly, there’s a growing number of professing Christians who believe that once they’ve made a profession of faith, they can continue living pretty much like they did before they knew Christ. 

But that’s not salvation. Knowing Jesus changes us. 

Christianity teaches that nothing we do can save us (Ephesians 2:8-9), but once we’re genuinely saved, we will change: 

“No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him.” 1 John 3:6 

Dear Christians, I encourage you to read Romans 6 so you can respond to this false teaching with Scripture.

These devotions also address this subject:

Cheap GraceWould You Like to Mature in Christ?, and Rejecting Cheap Grace.

There is a popular misunderstanding about faith in Christ and this devotion illustrates it with an interesting analogy.

Bible Love Notes

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