
God Brought It About!!

Please pray that this book will glorify the Lord! Thanks!

Have you ever wished you had a book of Bible Love Notes

For years readers have written asking me if there was a book of 1-minute devotions available. I understand their desire: I love to hold a book in my hands, scribble notes in the margins, or mark a favorite devotion by folding the corner of the page. 

Please pray that this book will glorify the Lord! Thanks!
There are some things a book provides that an emailed devotion cannot. 

An answer to prayer!

I’ve prayed about publishing a book for years, but getting a book published is a time-consuming project, and I wasn't sure I had the time with all of my responsibilities with the Bible Love Notes ministry. So in the summer of 2021, I asked the Lord to make it clear if He wanted me to write a book.

In early October 2021, an agent (with a Christian agency) saw my work on Bible Love Notes and contacted me, asking if I wanted him to represent me to publishers. In the publishing world, an unpublished author needs an agent before a publisher will look at their proposal. And my friend who is a published author told me that it was quite unusual to have an agent contact me. Typically, unpublished authors have to seek out agents.

Please pray that this book will glorify the Lord! Thanks!

I felt this was an answer to my prayer, so I prepared a proposal, and the process went much faster than expected. On December 10, 2021, I signed a contract to do a devotional book with B&H Publishers (a division of Lifeway). The book is called Wisdom for Life and it contains 100 1-minute devotions based on Psalms and Proverbs. It came out in Spring 2023.

I know that only the Lord could have brought this all together, and I’m excited. 

With all my heart, I want to honor the Lord with this book. From the beginning, before it was even published, I've prayed it will bless those who read it, drawing them closer to the Lord.

While the book contains similar content to the Bible Love Notes blog, it is not simply a repeat of things published online. The devotions can be read in one minute just like the online devotions, but each devotion in the book has a "For Further Thought" section with a suggestion, question, or thought to ponder when you have more than one minute.

Bible Love Notes is still my first priority and I continue to offer it free of charge without pop-up ads or donations

But I hope you will also check out Wisdom for Life. I think God can use it in your life whether you are a mature believer or a new believer.


You've read the way it came about. I also encourage you to read the Romans 8:28 story behind my entire ministry: Why Gail Has Written One-Minute Devotions for 11 Years
Now, why not check out Wisdom for Life? You can read the first four devotions by clicking "Look Inside" or "read sample" on Lifeway or Amazon. No matter where you purchase it, you can download two free Bible studies HERE.

Lifeway - Also available as an e-book.

Amazon - Also available as Kindle or audiobook.

Christian Book

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Please pray that this book will glorify the Lord! Thanks!


Bible Love Notes


  1. I can't wait to get my hands on that book. A friend shared Bible Love Notes with me almost a year ago and my husband and I both look forward to reading it every morning. Your words have broadened my understanding and truly helped me in my walk with the Lord.

    1. Dear Lu,
      That's so, so encouraging to hear! Thanks for taking the time to let me know. God bless you.

  2. Great news, I would have been happy even with repeated information! I say that agents should have seen your God given talent a long time ago, and am so glad that you went through with this. Prayers that the book will bring encouragement to believers and be life transforming to others. I also hope that you will get rest and renewal, time to spend with your husband and family. Sending you an online hug!

    1. Thanks so much for your encouragement and your prayers, Heidi. I always enjoy an "online hug"!

  3. I can't wait for the book to come out. I LOVE your "Bible Love Notes." Thank you and may God Bless you.

  4. How Exciting ! Can't wait to have this & share with people I love & people that will have their eyes opened by this Bibical based book..THANK YOU !

  5. Excited for the book to be published. I hope to be able to buy several and share. I love the Daily Devotionals, they've been a huge help in KY journey

  6. Woops! Wasn't finished... they've been a huge help in my journey, I've shared the link with friends and acquaintances who want to grow and learn how to study the Bible and I hope I can share the book in the same way.

  7. I'm Thrilled for you and all of us that have been reading your Bible Love Notes for so long...God is Soo Good to All of us !!

    1. Thanks so much!! I really appreciate your encouragement! It blesses me.

  8. Precious Gail. Your humility is what God is honoring you with the new publication. I also love the Words of Wisdom you share. Truly anointed. I have loved you as a true friend because you make us feel loved. The love of God. JKH

    1. Dear Judy, Even though we've never met, I also consider you a friend in the Lord. Thanks so much for your encouragement over the years.
