
Finding Joy in Jesus Even when Life Is a Mess

When we know the Lord, He helps us rejoice even when life is a mess. This 1-minute devotion explains.

Did you know that Christians can always find joy in our lives if we're willing? Even when things are falling apart all around us, we can rejoice in our salvation and remember that God can use everything for our good (Romans 8:28).

The book of Philippians illustrates this truth because Paul wrote it in prison (Philippians 1:12-14). In fact, not only was he in chains for the gospel, some professing Christians were trying to stir up trouble for him (Philippians 1:15-18).

But he rejoiced! 


Because he knew good things were happening due to his suffering, and he was fully committed to God's purposes.

He was confident that whether he lived or died, there was reason to rejoice (Philippians 1:19-26).

I find it hard to rejoice in my difficulties, but I'm learning that when I'm able to do it, I experience a type of joy that far exceeds the joy I feel when things are going smoothly. It's a "spiritual joy" in God's purposes that can set us free even when life has us in “chains”(John 8:36).

I encourage you to read these 1-minute devotions for more encouragement:

Happiness in Jesus - why it's not based on circumstances. 

No Matter What - about a time when my husband and I suffered a large financial loss.

Habakkuk's Statement of Faith - about a passage of Scripture we all should memorize.

Joni Shares 5 Benefits of Suffering - Joni is an extremely credible spokesperson for suffering having been in a wheelchair for more than fifty years as the result of a swimming accident. 

When we know the Lord, He helps us rejoice even when life is a mess. This 1-minute devotion explains.

Bible Love Notes

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