
Do You Want Reconciliation?

This 1-minute devotion discusses 3 characteristics of peace-keepers and 2 characteristics of peace-disturbers. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Devotions

Relationships are important to the Lord. If we wish to restore relationships, we should be repentant, forgiving peace-seekers.

1. Repentant1 John 1:9.
Taking responsibility for our sins first and foremost! 
See 6 Characteristics of Sincere Repentance.

2. Forgiving - Ephesians 4:30-32.
Knowing that forgiveness is the most important aspect of reconciliation.
See A Biblical Truth No One Refutes.

3. Peace-seekers - Romans 12:18; Hebrews 12:14; Romans 14:19.
Willing to reconcile with others even if it's messy and takes time, effort, and commitment.
See Others First.

We must avoid:

1. Silent manipulation.
If we refuse to discuss problems, we add hopelessness to the existing problems and we violate Matthew 5:23-24.(1) 
See You Can't Serve God if You Refuse.

2. Hypocritical judging.
If we can only see the other person's sins and not our own, we add arrogance and close-mindedness to the existing problems and we violate Matthew 7:1-5.(2)
See Guard Against Plank-Eye and Refusing Correction.

If we have either of these problems, we need to start at the top list and repent.

Let’s pursue peace! 
(1) Even if discussions haven’t proven helpful in the past, we shouldn’t give up if the other person is willing to give it a try (Matthew 18:21-22).

(2) If we take on this attitude, we often focus on the other person’s response to our offense, not the offense itself. For example: if we do something offensive and the other person gets angry, we focus on their anger, not our offense.

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This 1-minute devotion discusses 3 characteristics of peace-keepers and 2 characteristics of peace-disturbers. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Devotions

Bible Love Notes

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