
Don't Fear Speaking Up

It can be hard to speak up for truth, but it's so very important. Let this 1-minute devotion inspire you to speak up. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Sometimes Christians are hesitant to answer questions about culturally approved sins like premarital sex, homosexuality, or transgenderism.

Recently, a Christian singer was asked if she thought homosexuality was a sin, and she said, "I don't know. I’m not God."

It’s true that God alone determines right and wrong, but He has given us His Word and His Spirit so we may know and understand His ways, commands, and purposes (2 Timothy 3:16-17). 

If we love people, we'll share God's Word with them.

And Scripture speaks just as clearly about premarital sex, homosexuality, and transgenderism as it does about murder, lying, and cheating.(1)  

If we don't know what God's Word says about these sins, we need to find out (2 Timothy 2:15). 

If we know what His Word says, we must graciously speak His truth in love, knowing that some will reject us (Ephesians 5:11; Romans 1:16).

If we choose to keep silent, we grieve the heart of God (Mark 8:38).

(1) See God's View of Homosexuality and False Teachings About Sodom and Gomorrah.
To reinforce the truths in this devotion:
3 Lame Excuses for Not Judging 
Should We Speak up for God's Truth?
Are You a Gospelphobe?

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It can be hard to speak up for truth, but it's so very important. Let this 1-minute devotion inspire you to speak up. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Bible Love Notes


  1. This really worries me. (I think I've commenTed on this subject before). I have a christian friend who has come out as bisexual and I feel God wants me to talk to her but I'm procrastinating under the guise of waiting for a God sent opportunity! I only see her in a group setting so would have to contact her to meet privately which I'm putting off. Please pray for a way to approach her

  2. Waiting or procreastinating is also not the answer. Waiting for another day might just be too late.
