
Attention to Details - Luke 16:10

Why God is interested in the Details and why we should be interested in the details- Luke 16:10
“The devil is in the details” is a common way of saying that the smallest detail can ruin a project. It can also be expressed positively as "God is in the details.” 

Overlooked details can result in huge problems. Careful attention to the details can result in huge blessings.

Why God is interested in the Details and why we should be interested in the details- Luke 16:10
God's interest in details is evident everywhere from the complexity of creation to His detailed interest in our lives.(1)

Details should be important to us as well:

“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won't be honest with greater responsibilities.” (Luke 16:10, NLT

The devil is in the details when we: 
  • compromise on the little things
  • tell little lies
  • misuse small amounts of money
  • fail to follow through on small commitments
  • refuse to repent of small sins 
I'm praying to put God in all the details of my life. How about you?
based on the devotion "The Devil is in the Details" published on BLN in 2012
(1) Don't miss these encouraging 1-minute devotions about God's interest in the details of your life:
God Knows Us Intimately and Loves Us Deeply
God's Tear Bottles
Did God Really Say That About Hair? 

1 comment:

  1. I also pray to put God in all the (mishandled) details of my daily life.
