
3 Aspects of Gracious Speech

Christians need to be careful and aware of these 3 aspects of Gracious Speech.

We Christians must approach social and political issues with grace and kindness.

We need to remember how we say something is as important as what we say. 

I recently forgot this principle in a personal situation and did more harm than good. So let me suggest some guidelines:

1. Truth, not Opinion
In the political arena, we need to identify which issues have clear Scriptural absolutes involved (e.g. abortion, racial equality) and which are more "flexible" (e.g. health care, economic strategies). In addition, we need to avoid attempts to hijack biblical issues to mean something they don't (e.g. racial constructs that demonize a particular race).

In the spiritual arena, we need to allow for differences that don't violate Scripture (e.g. non-essential doctrines, music styles, education choices). See Romans 14.

2. Appropriate Subjects
When talking with unsaved people, we shouldn't expect them to understand deep spiritual truths. See 1 Corinthians 2:14.

3. Facts, Not Hearsay
Christians often share unsubstantiated facts on the internet or get their facts from caustic, sarcastic spokesmen who shouldn't be trusted. See Proverbs 18:13 and 17.

The bottom line: Sharing God's Truth in love means sharing it accurately, wisely, and respectfully (Ephesians 4:15; Colossians 4:6).

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Christians need to be careful and aware of these 3 aspects of Gracious Speech.

Christians need to be careful and aware of these 3 aspects of Gracious Speech.


  1. This is so true, a very necessary reminder these days, I'm guilty as charged, thanks for sharing your wisdom, I love your blog...God bless you!

  2. Thank you for this gentle reminder, sweet friend. OH, this world needs Jesus! His compassion, His tenderness, and His love! If only we, as Christians, would be more like Him. :) God bless you for speaking the truth.

  3. this is indeed very true, Gail. thank you for sharing this post!
