
Rise and Shine: 6 Ways to Start Your Day with Jesus

Why not focus on Jesus as soon as you wake up. This 1-minute devotion offers 6 ideas for waking up in a "Jesus mood."

♪ ♫ “Rise and shine”
 is the name of a children's song popular in the 70s. I woke up this morning with it on my mind.

It made me realize how important it is to wake up with God on our minds, ready to dedicate our day to Him before our feet hit the floor.

Here are some ideas for doing that:

💙 Sing the refrain of a joyful song about Jesus when your feet hit the floor. See Music Appreciation to better understand the benefits of music.
💙 Use Christian music for an alarm. It's much nicer than a buzzer. 
💙 Put a Bible on your nightstand and read a psalm or proverb before getting up. See Finding Strength in the Psalms.
💙 Recite some encouraging Scriptures as suggested in 8 Statements Christians Should Make Each Day.
💙 Recite Ephesians 6:10-18 and symbolically put on the full armor of God to start your day. See Biblical Battle Strategy.
💙 If you have a free subscription to Bible Love Notes, read your one-minute devotion.

Now give me your ideas for starting the day on a sweet Jesus note.

If you want to hear the song “Rise & Shine,” it's HERE on YouTube.

If you'd like a devotional to read each morning, check out Wisdom for Life.

Why not focus on Jesus as soon as you wake up. This 1-minute devotion offers 6 ideas for waking up in a "Jesus mood."

Bible Love Notes


  1. I sometimes sing this to my daughter when I wake her up :) LOVE that little song!

    1. I love that idea.
      I'm sure it will be a special song to your daughter as well.
      : )

  2. Gail I love to have my coffee with Jesus while reading my daily devotional before doing anything else. It puts my day in perspective.

    1. I'm with you on that one! There's something about coffee and God's Word that makes every morning special! : )

  3. I hav e coffee everyday with Jesus..that's our time together for an hour or so

  4. Trying to remember to pray PRAISE & Thanks each day when I wake, before I rise- for the good sleep, for sweet dreams, for the shelter & warmth & safety while I slept, for what i look forward to today or whatever blessing crosses my mind. Not a habit yet, but getting there.
