
One of the Most Arrogant One-Liners Ever Uttered by Man

Take a moment to read this 1-minute devotion and ponder how absolutely ridiculous this statement is.

If I were God I’d have revealed myself a better way than through the Bible.”

If I were God I wouldn’t have created a hell.

“If I were God I wouldn’t allow suffering in the world.” 

I’ve heard these and other “if I were God statements. And I'm ashamed to say I've said a few myself.

But we need to think about what we are saying when we make these statements:
  • Do we think we see the big picture like God sees it? 
  • Do we think God needs our advice? 
  • Do we really think we’d make a better god than God?
“Oh, how great are God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions and his ways! For who can know the Lord's thoughts? Who knows enough to give him advice?” Romans 11:33-35 (NLT)

Incredibly, God forgives us despite our arrogance. If we were God, we probably wouldn't do that.

Because our God is infinite, we will never fully understand His ways (Isaiah 55:9). But we can rest in full assurance that He does what is right because He is all-knowing, all-wise, all-loving, and 100% good! (Psalm 103:11; Psalm 103:17; Psalm 118:29; James 1:17). 

For more encouragement regarding this subject see 3 Questions Every Christian Must Answer and Are You Beginning to Be Wise?

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Take a moment to read this 1-minute devotion and ponder how absolutely ridiculous this statement is.

Bible Love Notes

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