
The Sheer Delight of Psalm 1

Psalm One tells us the key to righteousness and it's well worth reading when discouraged, fearful, or offended.

Psalm 1
 tells us that delighting in God's Word is the key to righteousness.

"Blessed is the one...whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night" (vv. 1-2).

The Hebrew word used for "law" in this verse applies to Scripture as a whole, the precepts and teachings as well as the commands.

Of course, delight in God's Word starts with a delight in God Himself—a deep desire to know Him with our whole being. Paul beautifully describes this desire in Philippians 3:7-14.

Those who delight in God see Bible reading as an adventure, not a duty. They have Scripture verses on their mind day and night. They recite them throughout the day (Colossians 3:16).

When they're troubled, confused, offended, grieved, lonely, discouraged, or fearful, God's Word is their peace, comfort, and guide.

They're like trees continually nourished by living water (v. 3), fulfilling God's purposes with perfect timing.

Sounds delightful, doesn't it?

The best part is this: If we don't have delight in God's Word, all we have to do is ask. God is eager to give it (Matthew 7:7-11). 

Please take a moment today and read Psalm 1.


To do a short, nutritious Bible Study on this devotion, check out Bite Size Bible Study. And please check out these one-minute devotions: 10 Good Prayers from the Psalms and Finding Strength in the Psalms.

I've had (and continue to have) some difficult situations in my life, and the book of Psalms has been "a sheer delight" in bringing me comfort, encouragement, and joy. That's one reason I loved writing my devotional Wisdom for LifeEven if you don't purchase the book, I encourage you to read the first four devotions (for free) by clicking "Look inside" on Amazon or Lifeway. ~ Gail

Psalm One tells us the key to righteousness and it's well worth reading when discouraged, fearful, or offended.

Bible Love Notes

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