
I Blew It—How Could I Set It Straight?

God sometimes reminds us that we are works in progress. This gives us hope and keeps us humble.

Many years ago, I handled a situation with a fellow believer in a harsh, critical, legalistic way. At the time I felt I'd done the right thing.

But a few years later as I matured in the Lord, I realized I'd blown it. My heart wasn't right at the time, and it had affected my actions. 

Because I'd moved to a different state and lost touch with this person, I hunted down his contact info, emailed him, and asked him to forgive me.

A few days later he emailed back, admitted he'd been hurt, and forgave me. He let me know he appreciated my apology.

I was disappointed that it had taken me years to get to the place where I understood my sin in this situation. But I was also encouraged that I wasn't the same person I used to be.

As we "work out our salvation with fear and trembling," God "works in us to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose" (Philippians 2:12-13).

I'm grateful that we're works in progress—God isn't finished with us yet! (Philippians 3:10-17)

If you have something on your conscience, I encourage you to ask forgiveness from God and any whom you've offended. It can be hard to do, but it's important for our spiritual maturity.

Why not do a short, nutritious Bible study on this devotion and discover the four things I learned about Christian growth from this situation. Just click HERE.


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And I encourage you to read these four 1-minute devotions about repentance:

Contrite or Making Excuses?

There's no Such Thing as Good Sins

That's Just the Way I Am

The True Gospel Makes Us Sad Before It Makes Us Happy 

God sometimes reminds us that we are works in progress. This gives us hope and keeps us humble.

Bible Love Notes

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