
When You Blow It, Don't Hit the "Back Space"

I blew it and I was ready to hit the "back space" on my spiritual growth until I remembered Philippians 3:13-14.

Recently I spoke without thinking, and my words were sanctimonious. 

I apologized to the person and ask God's forgiveness, but I was disappointed in myself.  I should have known better since I occasionally get self-righteous comments on my blog posts and I know they aren't helpful.

Sometimes when I blow it like this, I feel I've hit the back space button on my spiritual growth. But God is helping me understand that we only hit the backspace if we fail to honestly repent and learn from our failures.

We can choose to deny, excuse, or justify our sins. In fact, if someone confronts us we can call them judgmental and self-righteous and attack them. If we do this, we definitely hit the back space. And if we do it continually, we eventually lose our sense of shame Ephesians 4:17-19

I don't want that. I want to be like Paul who honestly addressed his sins, admitted he still blew it at times, but said he was moving forward, not hitting the back space:

"Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:13-14

I blew it and I was ready to hit the "back space" on my spiritual growth until I remembered Philippians 3:13-14.

I blew it and I was ready to hit the "back space" on my spiritual growth until I remembered Philippians 3:13-14.

I blew it and I was ready to hit the "back space" on my spiritual growth until I remembered Philippians 3:13-14.


  1. Gail,
    You may have misspoken in your example, but you haven't misspoken here. Home run. I needed to be reminded of this today. In Christ, the only thing we have to get 100% right is where we've placed our trust--squarely on him and what he's done for us. And even that God gives us by faith. I know your post will encourage many today.

    1. Yes.. I have been hitting my head on a wall.. taking all the blame for things gone wrong.. I have been told by God I am forgiven of my past. I am striving for the mark..thank you

  2. Love this advice. Press forward and don't look back.

  3. I love that wisdom from Tozer. Thanks for sharing it!

  4. So well spoken this morning . . . and this post "caught" my eye as I was scanning for something I needed. I think Tozer is what I needed. I love his writing and humble spirit. Thanks Gail.
