
5 Ways to Overcome Nighttime Fears

When worry or fear troubles your sleep, these 5 things can help you find peace and rest.

In 1979 our family was headed to Mainz, Germany for my husband's new assignment in the Army. While waiting for our 1:00 AM flight, our 6-year-old son had a night terror and I ended up on the floor in the middle of 11 suitcases, trying to comfort him.(1)

I rarely have nightmares and I've never had a night terror, but I've sometimes needed comfort from sad, hopeless, fearful, or discouraging thoughts in the middle of the night. If you ever have this problem, let me offer this suggestion: Sing in the shadow of God's wings (Psalm 63:6-8).

1. Remind yourself that God has said, Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). See God Is Never on Vacation.

2. Remember that He can work all things for your good if you trust Him (Romans 8:28). See Murphy Ain't Got Nothin' on Romans 8:28.

3. Sing hymns or praise songs silently or aloud. Choose songs that lift your spirits, even something as simple as Jesus Loves Me. See Simple, Profound, True and Music Appreciation.

4. Count your blessings (Philippians 4:8). It's far better than "counting sheep." See Name Them One by One and Do You Have a Happiness Diary?

5. Remember that things always seem worse in the middle of the night.



(1)  "A person experiencing a night terror will suddenly begin to show signs of panic and terror while sleeping such as screaming, flailing, or kicking...there is no significant association between night terrors and psychological disorders." See Night Terrors for a more detailed explanation. Our son experienced these night terrors for approximately 2-3 years during his childhood.

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When worry or fear troubles your sleep, these 5 things can help you find peace and rest.

When worry or fear troubles your sleep, these 5 things can help you find peace and rest.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Hi Gail! My daughter had night terrors too. She thinks her daughter has them now. Yuck.

    I think everyone has anxious thoughts now and again. And your idea of thinking about Scripture is a great way to meditate on something else other than useless worry. I do say "If The Lord does not build a house..." a lot. It's just not in my control. I'll do the best I can, and then he has his will. It does free me.

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. Funny you should post this right now...You see, recently, I've been having nightmares due to a trial I'm going through. In the daytime, I'm fine. But, in the middle of the night I've been waking up because of my dreams. Then, once awake, it is hard to turn my brain off, you know? Well, to help with this, I've been doing just as you suggested above! Reading God's word right before I fall asleep has been wonderful as it gets my mind on God. Then, when I've been asleep, I am not troubled. In fact, on a funny note, last night I had a dream that I was driving in a white Dodge Viper (Ha!) with the license plate that read: "I love life!" I'd say that was a pretty positive experience! In fact, I'm still smiling about it! lol

    Blessings, Joan

  3. Hi Gail, I love what Joan said above because it confirms what I was going to say... God's word is so practical. Great reminder of this.
    God bless

  4. Wow. I'm really happy to be reading this. I've struggled with feelings of being unecessarily afraid at night, when everyone else is sleeping. I've been prescribed, practically tranqilizers, which worked for awhile. I've realized that God isn't going to let me knock myself out, to "fix" these irrational fears that have been troublesome in different degrees. I've found that medication actually makes my thoughts worse, as if God is letting me know that meds enough to knock out a horse are not going to knock out His daughter. I've been listeninf to christian music on Pandora at night, and being in peace with God. The enemy wants us snuffed out, and I suppose silencing us can be enough, just enough that we stay locked in fear. I'm definitely not over it all, but I'm a far cry from how I have been at night. God bless and sweet dreams to all.

    1. What a wonderful testimony, Annette. May God continue to give you sweet dreams.

  5. This is so timely for me!! The last three weeks have been horrible with fear and worry, I have woke up screaming a couple of times. Thank you for these encouraging words - I can make a plan to combat these horrible nights.

  6. Hi Gail, I was talking to a friend yesterday asking for a help concerning dreams, most of the time he will dream about something and that things will happen. But some of them he fails to understand what the dream is all about, and that thing troubles him so he want help.

    1. I pray that your friend finds some wisdom in dealing with his dreams. I really haven't heard of someone getting repeated dreams that come true, so I wouldn't know how to counsel him.
