
Fools' Names and Fools' Faces

There's no shortage of "authorities" & celebrities  who use their position to influence culture. This 1-min. devotion offers a warning.

"Fools' names and fools' faces often appear in public places." 

I first learned this proverb as a little girl when I asked my mom why someone had scribbled their name on a bathroom stall in a department store. 

But it makes me think of some of the foolishness scribbled on the "walls" of our modern culture.

Whether the well-known "names and faces" are politicians, celebrity entertainers, famous athletes, or popular ex-vangelicals, foolishness is still foolishness.

They can "scribble" that God approves sexual lifestyles that damage men's souls. They can proclaim there's no hell or that the Bible contains errors. They can announce there are more than two genders, claim drug use is good, or insist there is no God.

But those things are nothing more than Satan's graffiti.

We Christians don't depend on these empty scribbles because our Lord is the Author of all wisdom and truth.

And He warns us:
"Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ." Colossians 2:8

Did you know that Scripture has lots to say about foolishness? I encourage you to take a look at the nine informative 1-minute devotions in the Fools and Foolishness Series 

A great hardcover devotional priced lower than most paperbacks.
If you enjoy Bible Love Notes one-minute devotions, I think you'll enjoy my devotional Wisdom for Life. It's a hard-cover book priced lower than most paperbacks.  Click the image to find out more. ~ Gail

There's no shortage of "authorities" & celebrities  who use their position to influence culture. This 1-min. devotion offers a warning.

There's no shortage of "authorities" & celebrities  who use their position to influence culture. This 1-min. devotion offers a warning.

Bible Love Notes


  1. From a Reader who left her comment on the temporary re-post of this devotion:
    Quilts by PAROctober 12, 2021 at 7:51 AM

    Thank you for these love notes. Along with my morning devotions, I find these thought provoking and life changing.

  2. Me too, I am always blessed by these anointed devotions as well.
