
The Beauty of Answered Prayer

This 1-minute devotion talks about the importance of recording answers to prayer.

We were on vacation in Croatia, ready to leave one village and travel to another. That morning at breakfast, I journaled a prayer asking God to make us good witnesses to the owners of the room we were renting in the next city. 

When we arrived, the landlords surprised us by asking us to spend the next afternoon with them, and we had some wonderful opportunities to share our faith.

It was such a clear and immediate answer to my prayer, so I recorded the answer in my journal. That prompted me to look back through my journal at some of my other prayer requests, and I was blessed.

Sometimes God's answer was "no," and in hindsight, I was so glad (Proverbs 3:5). See "Unanswered" Prayers. 

Sometimes He'd done more than I'd asked or imagined (Ephesians 3:20). See More than I Could Have Imagined. 

Some answers were still "pending," and I was learning to wait and renew my strength (Isaiah 40:31). See Waiting Constructively.

Some answers I didn't understand, but they were teaching me to trust God's goodness and wisdom (1 Corinthians 13:12). See We See a Poor Reflection.

Seeing how God was working, I could join the psalmist in saying:

"Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." Psalm 103:2-3  

Whether you journal or not, take some time this week to remember God's answers to your prayers.  

This 1-minute devotion talks about the importance of recording answers to prayer.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Thanks for hosting Gail - be safe, be blessed!

  2. May you have a wonderful trip! Thanks for hosting & God bless!

  3. You know, I write (type) my prayers, Gail, and have done that for well over three yeas. So I do see God's answers that way, but I haven't been faithful lately to look back over them. So I'm grateful for this reminder to do that and am lifting you up in this your continued adventures in Croatia! So grateful that God is going before you and encouraging you with the people you meet with and pray for!

  4. I love your idea of writing progress on the other side of the journal! Will miss your linkup party! God bless...

  5. I, too, am overseas--in the Arabian (Persian) Gulf area for now. Linking up is hit or miss! Enjoy Budapest!

  6. What a lovely faith journal that will be to you, as you continue to see God's faithfulness to you in it! How lovely of them to ask you to spend the day with them. What a marvelous opportunity! Thanks for continuing to share how it's going over there and thanks for hosting again today and thanks for all the past hosting that you've done! :)

  7. I am not in the habit but should be! Thanks for the post.

  8. What a beautiful way to journal! Gail, I have so enjoyed finding your blog & this linkup. Thank you for your faithfulness to Him & to all of us. May He continue to be with you as you travel, keep you safe & continue to use you mightily!

  9. Journaling is a great way to witness and remember God's activity in our lives! I love your idea of putting the prayer request on one side of the journal, and then tracking the progress on the corresponding page! Blessings, Joan
