
Satan's Pop-Up Temptations

Do you know how Satan uses "pop-up Temptations" to try to ruin our lives? This 1-minute devotion explains.

Have you ever tried to close an internet pop-up ad only to find the "x" actually took you to the advertiser's site? 

Pop-ups are becoming more aggressive and deceptive. 

Like the determined salesman of yesteryear who literally put his foot in the door, these cyber salesmen put their "digital feet" in our personal space.

Satan is also a determined salesman, and his pop-ups are deceptive, aggressive, and effective. But there's one area where we can keep them to a minimum—by refusing to nurse, excuse, or deny our anger (Psalm 37:8). 

When we leave anger unresolved, it festers beneath the surface of our heart, ready to pop up and damage our day. 

"'In your anger do not sin': Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold." Ephesians 4:26-27

Let's deal with unresolved conflict and avoid increasing pop-ups from the enemy.

See Scriptures and Resources for Conquering Anger and 5 Tips for Overcoming Anger. And why not study the Bible Love Note's Temptation Collection. It contains over twenty 1-minute devotions to help us overcome temptation.

Do you know how Satan uses "pop-up Temptations" to try to ruin our lives? This 1-minute devotion explains.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Oh boy, so true. Very well said Gail. Sometimes I know i justify myself with my anger because "they deserve it, they were wrong to do that", but I end up being the one harmed by holding on and festering. I thank God for forgiveness and for His help in forgiving!

  2. Dear Gail
    This is sound advice!! We need grace upon grace to resist everyone today that uses about everything they can to sell us stuff we definitely don't need!
    Much love XX

  3. Thanks for the reminder! Yes, when we deal with our anger right away it is gone, otherwise it gets worse...for me anyways! Visiting you back from my blog. Thanks for your visit!! Following you via GFC!

  4. What an incredibly awesome blog! I love the idea of "Bible love notes."
    Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting on my blog...I appreciate it!

    Cindy at Notes in the Key of Life

    1. Thanks for the visit, Cindy, and for the kind comments.
      Have a great weekend.
      Gail : )

  5. Great analogy! For me it's not so much anger that "pops up," but things like fear or jealousy. Hopefully when I see pop-up ads I'll be reminded to address these spiritual issues so they don't ruin my day. Thanks!

  6. So very true. Thanks for reminding us just how fast they can pop up!

  7. I found this post helpful. I know we need to turn off our pop off ads and block them with software. Blocking Satan's darts requires the hardware and software of the Bible and the Holy Spirit.

  8. Dear Gail
    Yes, and so often he sneaks onto your screen with some or other pornography site! Great wisdom!
    Blessings XX

  9. That, to me. Is the bigger problem. So many young boys seeing things they shouldn't see and at a young age - that can set them up for issues for years to come. I've seen the damage this can cause first hand and it is a very evil tool of the enemy to enslave males and ruin marriages.

  10. I'm struggling.. feel like putting things under a rug.. when actually the whole mess needs a good sweeping and mopping..?How do I deal with that? Things don't get fixed..they are put under the rug..

    1. Dear Karen,
      You have made the first step by realizing that you need to deal with your anger biblically.

      I will pray for you, and I encourage you to ask a Christian friend or pastor to pray with you as well.

      In addition, it is always helpful to me if I write down Scripture verses so I can read and see them more often.

      I have a couple of devotions that give some advice from Scripture that I think you will find helpful. You will need to copy these addresses since comments don't allow links, but I think you will find these helpful:

      5 Tips for Biblical Anger Management

      Help for Anger, Fear, and Lack of Self-Control - Scriptures and Resources

      Anger - A Serious Sin

      Dwelling on God's Word Can Change You

      I pray these will be helpful.
      God bless you, Karen. He can do more than we can imagine when we yield our hearts to His will!

  11. I struggle daily with someone who I believe has fallen from grace. I get angry at someone who allows our home to slowly fall apart, wants me to clean, do dishes while he spends money going out. My mother passed away. The money from her estate he wants me to pay to fix the trailer. I pray the Lord gives me a silent tongue, patience for Him to make changes in this person's heart, so he knows the darkness there.

  12. You're not going to believe this, But Facebook now considers Bible Loves Notes as hate speech!! I tried, twice, to add it to Facebook and received that message.

    1. Rick,
      If you would write the Bible Love Notes email BibleLoveNotes@ and tell me more details I would appreciate it. Facebook is still letting me post on my pages, but the last couple of years I've had things blocked even when the subject was not controversial. So if you'd write and let us know the specifics, it would help. Thanks!!
