
When the Feelings Aren't There

If you think you are always going to be excited to read your Bible, think again. But this Scripture will keep you doing it.

"It is a common temptation of Satan to make us give up the reading of the Word and prayer when our enjoyment is gone; as if it were of no use to read the Scriptures when we do not enjoy them." ~ George Muller 

Sometimes I'm eager to spend time in God's Word, wanting to steal away from my daily work to savor it's wisdom and truth. It makes me feel refreshed and renewed.

Other times, I'm not that excited and "feel" nothing significant when I read the Bible.

But God's Word is reliable and my feelings are not

God compares His Word to rain that waters the earth and causes growth, and He assures us that His Words will do everything He sends them to do (Isaiah 55:10-11).

"It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." ~ the Lord (Is. 55:11

So whether we "feel" it or not, God's Word is always worth our time.

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If you think you are always going to be excited to read your Bible, think again. But this Scripture will keep you doing it.

If you think you are always going to be excited to read your Bible, think again. But this Scripture will keep you doing it.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Thank you for hosting, Gail, and thanks for this post which is really, really true. Not feeling like reading the Bible keeps many people from the very encouragement they need most.

    1. Amen, Judith. Thanks for linking up, my friend.

    2. Yes...sometimes I dont want to have to read the bible. But I make myself most days. I do feel better when I read it , even when I dont understand it.

  2. This is a really timely post for me. Thank you for sharing it, Gail.

  3. Thanks for hosting Gail! I know I'm going through a season right now where I am really craving time in God's word!

    Create With Joy

    1. I love to go through those's at those times when I realize how much I need Him.
      Thanks for linking up.

  4. I love the goose bumps when God's presence is made known, but I also know we don't always "feel" him, so that is why we must walk by faith. Thanks for hosting!

  5. Boy that's for sure! Our feelings are totally unreliable but we CAN always trust Him, just as you said! He is faithful! Thanks for hosting today.

  6. Gail,
    Thank you for your faithfulness in hosting this link up. I am blessed each week by others that link here. Never fails to amaze me!

  7. This is such wise advice. Thank you for this! It is a very good reminder!

  8. I have not heard this thought worded so simply and easily applicable. I stopped reading my scriptures during a 3 month stay in hospital as I could not physically read for a while. And I've been depending on my husband to read them to me ever since (even though now I can read just fine now). Your words are inspiring. I think I will stop what I'm doing and spend 10 minutes with the scriptures right now!

    Thank you for visiting my blog yesterday. :-)

    1. I'm glad you were inspired to read your Bible again. And I'm glad you can read again.
      But I also think having your husband read to you was a wonderful way to stay in the word when you couldn't read.

      I like to read Scripture with my husband as well, although we don't do it often. But I think you've inspired me to ask him if we can do it daily. Thanks.

  9. Thanks Gail for sharing your heart and thoughts with us. I was encouraged by thus today.

  10. Gail...Praise the Lord for His reliability, huh? That quote by Mr. Muller is one to chew on. Thank you for the link up and for the encouragement friend. Blessings to you.

    1. Yes, I love the quote by Muller. His whole life story is one that I've had to "chew on" as I compare his devotion to my own.

  11. Excellent post! Praise God that He is faithful even when our hearts falter. Thanks for hosting & God bless!

  12. Thank you for hosting Bible Love Notes, Gail. There are times when I don't read my bible for a few days I start to feel disconnected. I love the verse from Isaiah. Just wrote it in my prayer book.

    Kim @ Pouring Down Like Rain

    1. Yes, I agree, Kim. When I get lax in my quiet time or rush it, I can feel the difference.

  13. Your post reminds me of a quote from a "Marriage Encounter" weekend quite a few years ago: "Feelings are neither right nor wrong; they just are." And a quote from a counselor friend of mine: "You can't change your feelings, but you can change your thoughts, and your thoughts can change your feelings."

    1. I like those quotes, Esther. Thanks for sharing them.
      Gail : )

  14. Amen🙏 Much needed encouragement. An eye opener to get back focused on my HEAVENLY FATHER & stop being attentive to the chaos that’s going on in the troubled times.

  15. I always remember my mom emphasizing how our feelings aren't to be counted on when it comes to our faith in God. This was a good devotional, Gail.
