
Being an Effective Witness for Christ

Have you ever thought about the importance of preparing to share Christ with others? This 1-minute devotion shares some practical ideas. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Effectively sharing Christ should be a natural thing for Christians, but it often makes us feel nervous and uncomfortable.

The Holy Spirit can use our most awkward attempts, but we're wise to make some preparations, as we would for anything important.

Scripture says, “Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity...prepare your minds for action” (Ephesians 5:15-17 and 1 Peter 1:13).

Because Christ has done so much for us, we want to be effective witnesses. 

Here are two ways to prepare for opportunities:

1. Get comfortable sharing your personal testimony, the story of your conversion. See 6 Ways to Share Your Testimony.

2. Memorize Scriptures that clearly explain salvation. (See The Roman Road for one of the oldest and easiest methods for doing this.)

Then, when an opportunity arises, ask the Holy Spirit to use your preparations and knowledge in the most natural, effective way.

Are you ready?

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Have you ever thought about the importance of preparing to share Christ with others? This 1-minute devotion shares some practical ideas. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Bible Love Notes


  1. An important reminder, We always need to be ready.

  2. Thanks for these great reminders. I've started to carry some of Ray Comfort's creative ice breakers to help me bridge the gap when I want to share Christ with someone but I'm feeling chicken-ish.

    I'm so glad you dropped by Plenty Place and left a note so that I could find your treasure chest full of gospel goodness over here!

  3. Oh Gail, that girl on the high dive got my attention!! That was me at 8 years old!!

    Winter makes it so hard to get out and see neighbors and witness or even just be neighborly. At Christmas I took cookies to seven neighbors and onl ONE answered the door!!

  4. Note: in regard to Judith's comment. The original picture on this devotion was a small girl ready to jump off the high dive.
