
6 Ways To Use A Written Testimony

Check out these 6 ways to share your written testimony. And leave any ideas you have in a comment. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Even if you don't especially like writing, it can be useful to write down your testimony of how you came to Christ.

Write it, edit it, have Christian friends critique it, and edit it some more. This enables you to share it more effectively when opportunities arise.

You might also consider using it one of these ways:

1. Share it: Read it to your Bible study or small group.

2. Tract it: Create a tract to hand out to people you meet.(1) 

3. Record it: Make a voice tape or video to share with friends and family or on YouTube. My mom made a voice tape of her testimony, and we played it at her funeral. It was so special!!

4. Journal it: Keep a journal that contains your testimony and other important life events for your friends and family to read.

5. Kill two birds: Give it to unsaved friends or relatives to critique. This is an easy way to witness and receive helpful feedback at the same time.(2)    

6. Blog it: submit it to blogs that allow guest posts.

(1) Several years ago, I made this written testimony into a tract: “Can a Simple Misunderstanding Keep You From Heaven?”  

(2) Your unsaved friends can also help you identify "Christianese"—words and phrases familiar in Christian circles that are not understandable to unbelievers. Things like "power of the blood," "covered in the blood," "sanctified," "saved," etc.

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Check out these 6 ways to share your written testimony. And leave any ideas you have in a comment. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Check out these 6 ways to share your written testimony. And leave any ideas you have in a comment. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Bible Love Notes


  1. These are wonderful suggestions, Gail. I will definitely use them. My suggestion is to submit your written testimony to your denominational magazine or perhaps your church newsletter. Wouldn't a monthly column of testimonies be refreshing to read in a newsletter? I wrote my testimony and sent it to Decision Magazine and they published it, so we never know where the Lord might decide to use our witness.

    1. Great idea and congratulations on getting your testimony in such a great publication. You'll never know how many you touched through that written testimony. Thanks for sharing this idea and 'testimony.' : )

  2. I love #4 and I love that you played it at her funeral. What a precious experience that must have been for all who heard it.

    I have shared mine with young children, and that is always an experience because you really learn to just simplify it and cut to the chase, so to speak, and the fact that we all just need Jesus!

    Thanks for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday today!

  3. Thank you for this post. What a wonderful idea.

  4. I hae put this on my "To Do" list. My testimony was recored at church and I have it on CD but I do not have it written. It is a 'boring testimony' but since it is boring, this is what I did: I told it using colored hearts to illustrate for the children listening how I got saved from hearing the same story.

  5. Writing my testimony has been on my "to do list" longer than I care to admit. Thank you for the link with your 6 guidelines! I promise, before you, our Lord and your followers, that it will be done... before next Wednesday.
    THANK YOU!!!!

    1. I pray God will give you wisdom and perseverance in this endeavor.
      God bless you!

  6. I have bookmarked this, and now I plan to do a video of my testimony for my funeral. Hopefully not too soon!

    1. Dear Dawn, I also hope it is not too soon!!
      But it really was special to have my mother "speak from the grave" and share her testimony.
      Praying for you, dear friend!

  7. Thank you very much for this piece, I have never written my testimony down I have always felt it wasn't special enough to even share if not asked, but now I'm going to write it down by God's grace. Thank you once more.

  8. The Lord led me to write my testimony in a page-long sheet on how to get saved. I give this to people on the corner who are asking for money. I tuck it inside an easy to read New Testament from the dollar store along with my donation to them and assure them that God loves them. Sometimes I give them food or gloves (again from the dollar store) in the winter. They sincerely thank me and I've encountered some people more than once. It's really rewarding. Thank You, Father. It's too bad I can't attach it here. It's very encouraging if you're considering it.

    1. What great ways to share Christ's love and your testimony, Sue!
      Thanks for sharing your ideas here.
      God bless you!
