
What Are Your Stones of Remembrance?

This devotion offers several practical ways we can visibly remind ourselves of times when God has done special things in our lives. Joshua 4:6-7 talks about "Stones of Remembrance."

"Stones of Remembrance," based on Joshua 4:1-7, talks about the importance of remembering what God has done in our lives. 

This devotion offers several practical ways we can visibly remind ourselves of times when God gave healing, perseverance, protection or encouragement—times when we were especially aware of God’s faithfulness.

    ✅ Make a quilt with squares symbolizing "faith events."

    ✅ Design a special journal to record events in your "God story."

    ✅ Create your "Life Story Books."

    ✅ Create a display of items on a shelf as reminders.

    ✅ Draw, paint, or craft a Memory Collage that reminds you of things God has done in your life.

    ✅ Decorate actual stones in your garden. 

    ✅ Write dates or events on smooth stones and store them in a clear vase. 

    ✅ Write your faith stories, tie them with a ribbon, and put them in a special box or bottle. (Then read them on special occasions.) 

    I'd love to hear your creative ways to remember God's faithfulness -- please leave them as a comment.

    I encourage you to check out the Wisdom for Life Devotional. It contains 100 one-minute devotions to challenge, encourage, instruct, and inspire your love for God's Word. To find out more see 10 Reasons Why You'll Love Wisdom for LifeI also encourage you to sign up for a free subscription to Bible Love Notes and get a free e-booklet offering quiet time encouragement. Find out more HERE.

    This devotion offers several practical ways we can visibly remind ourselves of times when God has done special things in our lives. Joshua 4:6-7 talks about "Stones of Remembrance."

    This devotion offers several practical ways we can visibly remind ourselves of times when God has done special things in our lives. Joshua 4:6-7 talks about "Stones of Remembrance."


    1. This is a special post -- I felt my soul dancing! I know one couple picks a small stone each time God gives them a blessing or answer to prayer. When tough times come they kneel by their bed and remember when God blessed them and answered their prayers. It gives them faith to ask again.

      I love your suggestion of a quilt.

    2. Thanks, Pamela. I love to hear ideas like these!

    3. A lovely post! Wonderful ideas. Visiting from LWW at Courtney's blog.

      Blessings, e-Mom @ Chrysalis

    4. thanks, e-mom. I visited your site and it's a great one!

    5. Great thoughts of physical ways to display eternal gratitude!

    6. This post made me smile. I love the rocks idea, as you can tell if you happen to visit my Rock4Today blog!

    7. I love the stones, the reference from the Bible. Thank you for sharing your wonderful blog.

    8. I am a rock lover and I have many remembering stones.My son walked all over Iraq with one in his Kevlar vest. They always remind me of the goodness of God.-Kat

    9. I just found your site and I think it is just want I have been looking for. I desire to be in the word more consistently yet I get side tracked so often. It brings me to tears at times and I find some blogs I have read end up making me feel more like a failure instead of encouraging me. This devotional on this particular day has me thinking about encouraging things. Friday night we (my hubby and I ) were invited over to a friends house for dinner. We have known them for a long time thru church. Had talked about getting together but it never happened. Finally we did it! It was such an encouraging time, they asked a lot about our life together since we have an interesting story. (We met on the internet, I never married until I married Ben at 53, Ben has adults sons with emotional challenges etc. ) But what ended up happening is that we shared so many wonderful stories with them of ways the Lord has provided that it sooooo encouraged my heart and I saw once again clearly the journey that the Lord has laid out for us. I think it is time to make a jar with some memories stones of my own. Thanks.... I signed up for the daily email..... looking forward to it. Love & Hugs, Lauren

    10. Thank you! What a great idea! I love the rock idea I live in Arkansas with lots of love rocks and memories and even more lessons learned to share with my grandkids! God bless Deb Long

    11. I have a war journal, in which one section is dedicated to recording all the prayers answered,miracles and healing.. everytime i feel skeptical or low, flipping over through this section makes me grateful again for all His kids too will see and marvel at our Father...

    12. we can plant a tree or any saplings for the remembrance what God has done
