
He "Apologized" for his Affair But Didn't Mean It

We apologize for this extra step, but this devotion from 2011 was updated and is now located at the link below.

We pray that this devotion will encourage you!

He "Apologized" for His Affair. (New Title: Forgive Me or Else!)


  1. Gail...Yes, true repentance should bring about a heart change. Thank you for sharing this at WJIM.

  2. Oh, Gail. So true. Thanks for sharing the true definition of repentance...

  3. Repentence should include a recognition of our sin and a realisation that it is wrong. A realisation that we have offended God who gave us commandments that we should be happy. It should include a confession that we have done wrong. It should include a desire within us that we will never repeat the sin. It should include restitution to the person we sinned against and we should seek forgiveness and should strive to live a cleaner life.

    1. I hope you clicked the link that takes you to the full devotion. It contains a similar message to what you've written here.
