
The Ethiopian Eunuch Series (Acts 8)

This series covers the story of the Ethiopian eunuch and the various truths it reveals to us.

Introduction: 7 Things We Learn From Acts 8:26-39  
The Ethiopian eunuch was one of the first Gentile conversions recorded in Scripture. This 1-minute devotion is the introduction to this series, listing 7 important truths found in that passage.

Truth #1
All Nations, All Races
The story of the Ethiopian eunuch teaches us an important truth about the wonderful family of God. I pray it blesses you!
Truth #2
Rich and Poor Alike 
The story of the Ethiopian eunuch teaches us an important truth about overcoming favoritism based on income or social standing.

Truth #3
Only with God's Spirit
The conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch illustrates our inability to understand the gospel and God's Word without the help of the Holy Spirit.

Truth #4
Don't Underestimate the Old Testament 
The story of the Ethiopian eunuch reveals a wonderful truth about the importance of the Old Testament. This 1-minute devotion explains. 
Truth #5 
True Seekers Find
The story of the Ethiopian eunuch reveals the importance of wholehearted seeking after the Lord.

Truth #6 
More than Words  
The story of the Ethiopian eunuch reveals a wonderful truth about the power of the gospel message. It is more than mere words.

Truth #7
Joyful Conversion
The story of the Ethiopian eunuch provides some joyful truths about joy in the life of believers.
Learning from the Ethiopian Eunuch (Bible Study) 
A short Bible study addressing aspects of this Scripture passage not discussed in the devotional series. For example: the missing verse and the mentions of Ethiopia (Cush) in the Old Testament.

Bible Love Notes

This series covers the interesting story of the Ethiopian eunuch and the various truths it reveals to us.


  1. Hi Gail. Just want to encourage you by saying how we are enjoying using your 7 truths as the basis for our cell group study. We are in a rural part of South Africa and due to lockdown we aren't able to meet in the evenings due to curfew (plus distance is a problem for some folk), so we've taken to a WhatsApp group (not all folk have the data for Zoom) to "meet" on a Tuesday and Thursday evening. How wonderful it is as we look at one truth per session. The folk are digging into the Word as we look at each topic.

    God bless you and make His face shine upon you, and give you peace.


    1. What a blessing to hear this, John.
      I'm so glad that these devotions are useful for you!
      May God bless your ministry.
