
Trojan Horse Lies: A Helpful Series of Devotions with Bible Studies

This is a collection of 1-minute devotions about the "Trojan Horse Lies" that have infiltrated the Church. Don't know what that means? Check it out!

These are three common lies that have infiltrated the church and moved people away from biblical principles. Each one-minute devotion also features a short Bible study. I encourage you to go through this series with a friend or small group.

Trojan Horse Enemies in the Church, Introduction
There are lies infiltrating the Church much like enemies entered the city Troy in ancient times. This 1-minute devotion explains.

There is a Bite Size Study to add insights to this devotion. See Trojan Horse Enemies of the Church.

Lie #1: You Can't Love Others Until You First Love Yourself 
A great deal of emphasis is given to loving and esteeming ourselves. This 1-minute devotion explains a common error that supports this non-Biblical idea. 

There is a Bite Size Study to add insights to this devotion. See: Don't Believe It: We Don't Need to Love Ourselves First.

Lie #2: Our Goal in Life Should Be Happiness 
Many in the modern church have a false view of happiness and false view of what Christ offers. This 1-minute devotion offers Scriptural advice.  

There is a Bite Size Study to add insights to this devotion. See Does God Promise Us Holiness or Happiness or Both?

Lie #3: I'm a Victim, Not a Sinner 
Are we victims of our circumstances? This 1-Minute devotion addresses the way this un-biblical belief is damaging Christians and culture. 

 There is a Bite Size Study to add insights to this devotion.See Trojan Horse Lie: "I'm a Victim".

This is a collection of 1-minute devotions about the "Trojan Horse Lies" that have infiltrated the Church. Don't know what that means? Check it out!


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