
Examining Yoga Biblically

A collection of devotions that examine yoga from a biblical perspective.
"If we had forgotten the name of our God or spread out our hands to a foreign god, would not God have discovered it, since he knows the secrets of the heart?"  Psalm 44:20-21

I hope you'll consider these important biblical truths if you're involved in yoga or other pagan or new age practices.



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A collection of devotions that examine yoga from a biblical perspective.


  1. Is there a pagan connotation in Tai Ichi exercise for purely physical health?

    1. Because I can't post a live link here, let me reprint the short article from Got Questions (

      "Question: "What is the Christian view of Tai Chi (TaiChi)?"

      Answer: Tai Chi is more specifically called Tai Chi Chuan, which can be translated as “supreme ultimate fist.” Tai Chi is a martial art, though it’s often called a “moving meditation” since the movements are done slowly and deliberately, and it is taught more as a meditative and health-enhancing practice than as a martial art. Though its origins are unclear, the foundation of Tai Chi is the Taoist belief in a universal energy called chi (also spelled qi or ki depending on the language of origin). Chi is believed to be the binding life force in the universe, existing both externally and internally, moving through invisible channels in the body called meridians.

      Taoism teaches that strengthening and reinforcing one’s inner chi will bring good health and long life as well as spiritual benefits. Certain breathing techniques, meditations, and bodily movements are taught to cultivate and enhance the chi. This belief is the basis of Tai Chi. There is no supreme God or Creator in Taoism; all originated from the Tao, which is an impersonal principle or source of creation.

      From the Tao came yin and yang, two forces that manifested in creation. These forces appear opposite but actually are in a state of constant flux, merging with each other. The chi flows more harmoniously when yin and yang are balanced; this balance is brought about through special diets, herbs, exercises, breathing techniques, and bodily movements. Tai Chi, therefore, has a worldview at odds with the Christian worldview. Tai Chi is based on a Taoist spiritual view of the body and the chi, and how to enhance the chi, a view incompatible with how the Bible tells us we were made—in God’s image (Genesis 1:27).

      Jesus Christ created and holds the world together, not the Tao or an invisible force called chi: “For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together” (Colossians 1:16-17). Doing Tai Chi, even for physical purposes, is paying homage to a spiritual belief system at odds with God’s Word."

  2. Finally....someone gets it. The million dollar question for the ages is: What do you believe as truth? For, by what we believe as truth, do we make our choices. As a result of what we believe and the choices we'll make, will come consequences. Consequence is not neither a positive or negative, but a result from a choice made. Hence, our consequences are a result of choices that we are making. I know the aforementioned statement sounds (possibly) repetative. However, I'd rather filter my beliefs through the Word of God knowing (that) all things are working together for my good. Which is in stark contrast to how a fallen beckons me to believe.

  3. My Father that was a Pastor always said, "an empty mind is the devil office." Yoga desires a empty mind and there is the entry point for the devil.

  4. Hello, I do not know how I can agree to this, because I being a Christian have done my yoga and meditate with scripture and converse with God during these times. Whatever the reasons for these things, I have always found my base and use for them with scripture, verses and christian music as well as praying... I am not by any means disregarding anyone's beliefs or reasons but wanted to share mine. (I know I am little late to reply but just started receiving them).

    1. Thanks for sharing your view in a mature manner. I very often have people disagree with name-calling and mean-spirited statements. It's refreshing to have a godly disagreement.
      God bless you.

    2. You do not agree because you were not doing Yoga. You were doing Yoga MOVES while WORSHIPPING the One true God... that is POLAR OPPOSITE of Yoga... You performed yoga moves with a Christian worldview. BIG difference from actually doing the whole yoga spiritual emptiness. Once you made God the center of it, you excluded all the spiritual trappings that go with yoga. You OVERRULED the negative aspects of removing God from your presence which is part of what emptying the mind is... The problem lies in those who are not using it to connect with God. They will connect with something... but it wont be what they think it is. Do you think the israelites called the ashtora poles "a great way to workout AND connect with God? They probably did. They fell for the devil's sneaky way of sliding in. Eventually they were better and better at worshipping the ahstora pole... Until God got fed up with it. I'm going to stick with what and how HE says to worship. If he says leave the detestible things alone... I try to leave them alone. Mingling has never been a good thing in God's eyes. I can feel the Holy Spirit STRONG in your post! I am speaking in love. It may not be a good idea to endorse that which is separating others from God. THEY ARE DOING YOGA, real yoga, real emptying of the mind and all that... It aint of God, girlfriend. We must be careful not to mislead others. I know you did not realize you WEREN'T actually doing yoga but rather only yoga moves... But God help those who are. And GOd help those who inadvertantly endorse it.

  5. I find i'd rather do the stretching exercising and deep breathing that my chiropractor recommends because the countless MRI's bloodwork and pills the medical world has tossed at me has done nothing to cure me. I don't use yoga as a religious experience . I use it to help heal my body though diet, exercise , fasting and prayer. it's also cheaper than another dr and more tests.
