
Let's Get the Facts Straight about LDS Doctrine

Mormon influence is growing and Christians must understand that they believe in a different Jesus and a different gospel.

In the last few years, the LDS (Mormon) church has greatly expanded its influence, and Christians need to understand how Mormon beliefs differ from Christianity. 

Mormon founder Joseph Smith claimed that through the angel Moroni, God revealed that all churches except the LDS church were “of the devil,” “their creeds were an abomination” and their members “corrupt.” (1) See also Mormon Quotes and Galatians 1:6-9.

There are hundreds of differences between Christianity and Mormonism, but let me highlight a few. 

✔ Reject the concept of the Trinity (source), 
✔ Believe there's a Heavenly Mother and Father (source)
✔ Claim Jesus is the firstborn of many spirit children (source).
✔ Claim Jesus doesn't possess the eternal nature of the Father (source)
✔ Believe the Bible taught errors for thousands of years until Joseph Smith came along to correct them (source). 

In addition, their beliefs are always changing. For example, Smith instituted polygamy. 60 years later a Mormon "prophet" ended it. In 1847, Brigham Young banned blacks from Mormon temples claiming blacks were cursed. In 1978, the Mormon "prophet" lifted this ban. Read more HERE

And despite their founder's claim that Christianity is demonic, many present-day Mormons claim they are brothers and sisters with Christians. However, when they explain that Jesus is their Savior, they're talking about a different Jesus and a different kind of salvation. 

Let's pray for Mormons to find the true Jesus, and let's pray that believers and unbelievers will not be taken in by their propaganda. 

To understand one reason that Mormon influence has grown in the last few years, see Whose Directing Your Life: God or The Chosen? 

(1)  from the official LDS Documents: Joseph Smith, History of the Church, vol. 1, p. 5-6 and Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, compiled by Joseph Fielding Smith, p. 270.

Please see the Bible Love Notes Collection of Articles on Mormonism. It includes titles such as When Angels Tell Lies, Cults are Formed and The Mormon Word of God.

In 10 Lies I Told as a Mormon, a former Mormon explains the false beliefs he taught.

Mormon influence is growing and Christians must understand that they believe in a different Jesus and a different gospel.

Mormon influence is growing and Christians must understand that they believe in a different Jesus and a different gospel.

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