
Clever Lies that Defy the Facts

This devotion addresses a Clever Lie promoted in our culture, a lie Christians should address and refute.

I'll be addressing this biblically important issue more frequently in the next few months (usually on Fridays) to equip Christians to understand and respond to specific misunderstandings and false claims. 


If you say something often enough, it's treated as a fact—even if it's an outright lie. 

Today let's address one of those popular lies: Women will die or be denied necessary health care if abortion is limited in any way. 

It's so important that Christians know the truth and convey it accurately when someone makes this claim. 

Here are the facts

1. Doctors have always been free to save the lives of women with life-threatening pregnancies. 

2. In fact, saving a pregnant woman's life isn't actually defined as an abortion. That's because the goal is not to kill the baby but to prevent the death of the mother. The child may die in the process, but that is not the goal.

3. With modern medical techniques, some babies can survive if born during the second trimester and many can survive if born during the third trimester (source).

This proabortion lie is a clever way of claiming that abortion saves lives when it does the opposite: it kills the life of the unborn and leaves deep scars on the mother's emotions that only Jesus can heal. (See Post-abortion syndromeManipulative Ideologies, and Abortion Victims.) *

Ephesians 4:12-15 says we must speak the truth in love, growing up in our faith so "we will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like the truth."

So please prepare your heart and mind by reading the additional facts and resources below.


"No state has an abortion law that is a total ban on abortion. Every state law permits abortion when necessary to save a mother’s life." Texas and Idaho require a doctor's medical judgment to be involved in such cases, but they allow it when it's an authentic need. (Source – 5/24)

Honest doctors admit that some procedures to save a woman's life can cause the unborn child to die, but an actual abortion is never used to save a woman's life. An abortion is for one specific purpose—to kill the child, not to save the mother (30,000 Doctors Say Abortion Is Never Medically Necessary). 

Responding to the claim that "Abortion Can Be Medically Necessary": A five-minute video featuring a neonatologist who explains how physicians handle situations when the life of a pregnant mother is in danger.

Listen to a doctor who worked with difficult pregnancies explain the life-of-the-mother argument: Conversation with a Former Abortionist (six-minute video) or full twenty-five-minute interview HERE.

And please read my appreciation for my momma who became unexpectedly pregnant with me when my older sister was only three months old. See My 2022 Birthday Thoughts.


I encourage you to check out the Wisdom for
 Life Devotional. It contains 100 one-minute devotions to challenge, encourage, instruct, and inspire your love for God's Word. To find out more see 10 Reasons Why You'll Love Wisdom for LifeI also encourage you to sign up for a free subscription to Bible Love Notes and get a free e-booklet offering quiet time encouragement. Find out more HERE.

This devotion addresses a Clever Lie promoted in our culture, a lie Christians should address and refute.


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