
No Bones About It: God's Word Cuts to the Core

Do you understand this wonderful analogy God uses in His Word?

Let me share some things about bone marrow and joints that relate to a Scripture verse.

Bone marrow enables our bodies to produce the white cells needed to fight infection, the red blood cells needed to carry oxygen, and the platelets needed to stop bleeding. (source)

The marrow is the very core of the bone.

In addition, our joints are extremely important, giving our bodies shape, stability, unity, and movement. Without marrow, we couldn't live; without joints, we couldn't move safely and efficiently. 

Now consider the analogy in Hebrews 4:12:

"For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."

God's Word gets to the very core of who we are—judging if we're fighting off spiritual "infections," whether we're nourishing and protecting our spirit, and whether we're moving effectively through life. 

"For in Him we live and move and have our being," both spiritually and physically (Acts 17:28).

Of course, our marrow and joints need to be renewed when we come to the Lord. You might even say that our rebirth in Christ renews our joints and provides a bone marrow transplant with Christ as our "donor." 

Yes! Romans 12:2 tells us that our faith transforms us and renews our minds.

God's Word is a sword cutting to the core of who we are, revealing our thoughts and attitudes, and correcting and instructing us (2 Timothy 3:16-17). 

Let's never neglect it!!

I encourage you to read Seek God Wholeheartedly and Speak His Words.

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Do you understand this wonderful analogy God uses in His Word?

Do you understand this wonderful analogy God uses in His Word?

Do you understand this wonderful analogy God uses in His Word?

Bible Love Notes

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